Acceptable Use Policy Statement

Please note this content is from the original WoS site, and may no longer be relevant. If you have any queries, please contact us.

In Spanish

Due to ongoing abuse of this server, very strict access rules apply, all of which are automatically enforced:

  • The maximum allowed number of simultaneous sessions is 8.
    If you use a download manager, configure it properly first, as some of them have a default number of simultaneous sessions (or ‘connections’) of at least 9.
  • You get 10,000 ‘credits’ per day.
    – Complete books take 250 credits each.
    – Magazine fullpage scans take 2 credits per page.
    – All other material takes 1 credit each.
  • Exceeding sessions are automatically blocked and abusers are banned for a day.
  • Special precautions are taken to stall leechers. Persistent leechers are banned from the archive for 3 months.
  • All (trans)actions are logged. The logs are kept for a week. The information is kept confidential (except for abuse; see below!).


This is an on-line site. As such, there really is no need to make mirrors of it and you are explicitly discouraged from doing so.
Most of the site is realtime generated on demand, through CGI scripts, so mirroring will only generate CPU and memory hogs.
Please don’t test it – the server is known to withstand a Slashdot with its hands down. Thank you.

  • Special precautions are taken to stall leechers. Persistent leechers are banned from the archive.
  • All (trans)actions are logged. The logs are kept for a week. The information is kept confidential (except for abuse; see below!).

Note that all abuse is publicly listed realtime, along with your IP address, and banned IP addresses are exchanged between servers on the Internet for extended blocks, so please behave. We really have a zero-tolerance policy!

If you don’t know how to handle each file format, please see the File Formats page.