
Please note this content is from the original WoS site, and may no longer be relevant. If you have any queries, please contact us.

Notice that we don’t only record Spectrum specific books; the ZX80, ZX81 and QL are also catalogued, as well as some more general (related) books. If you have any that we forgot, or for which we lack information or a cover scan, please fill us in!

Titles with an asterisk (‘*’) at the end are available themselves in the archive.

Title Year Publisher Language
100 Programs for the ZX Spectrum * 1984 Prentice-Hall International English
101 Projects for the Z80 * 1983 Tab Books Inc English
101 Puzzles to Solve on Your Microcomputer 1984 Harrap English
102 Programmes pour ZX81 et Spectrum * 1984 Editions P.S.I. French
102 Programmes pour Sinclair ZX et Timex 1984 Editions P.S.I. French
15 Graphic Games for the Spectrum * 1983 Micro Press [1] English
200 Desenhos TK 85 e CP 200 1985 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
20 Best Programs for the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Hewson Consultants Ltd English
20 Programs for the ZX Spectrum and 16K ZX81 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
20 Simple Electronic Projects for the ZX81 & Spectrum 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
20 Simple Electronic Projects for the ZX81 and Other Computers 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
25 Exciting Computer Games in BASIC for All Ages * 1983 Tab Books Inc English
25 New Programs for the Spectrum 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
25 Programs for the Sinclair ZX Microdrive: Multi-User Games for the Spectrum 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
26 BASIC Programs for Your Micro 1982 Newnes Technical Books English
30 Hour Basic – Spectrum Edition 1983 National Extension College Trust Ltd English
30 Hour Basic – ZX81 Edition * 1982 National Extension College Trust Ltd English
30 Hour Useful Home Computing 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
30 Jogos para TK82 e CP200 * 1983 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
30 Music Programs for Timex Sinclair 2068 1985 Electret Scientific Company English
30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX80 1K * 1980 Melbourne House English
33 Spiele mit PASCAL 1984 B.G. Teubner German
34 Amazing Games for the 1K ZX81 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
34 More Tested, Ready-To-Run Game Programs in BASIC * 1981 Tab Books Inc English
35 Programme fur den ZX-81 1983 Hofacker Verlag German
40 Best Machine Code Routines for the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Hewson Consultants Ltd English
40 Educational Games for the Spectrum 1983 Granada Publishing English
40 Great Flight Simulator Adventures * 1985 Compute! Books English
40 More Great Flight Simulator Adventures * 1986 Compute! Books English
40 Rotinas em Linguagem de Maquina 1985 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
44 Dynamic ZX81 Games Prentice-Hall International English
45 Programas Prontos para Rodar em TK82C – NE Z8000 * 1982 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
47 Programas para ZX Spectrum e TK90X 1985 Microkit Portuguese
49 Explosive Games for the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
49 Explosive Games for the ZX81 * 1981 Interface Publications Ltd English
50 Programs for the Timex Sinclair 1000 English
50 Programmes pour ZX81 1985 Poche Informatique French
50 Programmes ZX Spectrum 1983 Editions Radio French
50 Rip-Roaring Games for the ZX80 and ZX81 1981 Database Consultancy English
51 Game Programs for the Timex Sinclair 1000 and 1500 1983 New American Library English
55 Advanced Computer Programs in BASIC * 1981 Tab Books Inc English
57 Practical Programs & Games in BASIC * 1978 Tab Books Inc English
57 Praktische BASIC Programme 1979 Hofacker Verlag German
60 Games and Applications for the ZX Spectrum * 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
66 Programmi per ZX81 e ZX80 con Nuova ROM + Hardware 1982 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
67 Ready-to-Run Programs in BASIC: Graphics, Home & Business, Education, Games * 1981 Tab Books Inc English
68000, 68008 Maschinensprache 1984 IWT Verlag German
68000 Assembly Language Programming 1981 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
68000 Machine Code Programming 1986 Collins Educational Ltd English
68000 Programmier Handbuch 1984 Hofacker Verlag German
70 Programmes ZX81 & ZX Spectrum 1983 Editions Radio French
77 Programmi per Spectrum * 1983 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
8080/Z80 Assembly Language: Techniques for Improved Programming * 1981 John Wiley & Sons Ltd English
8-Bit-Mikrorechentechnik 1988 Militarverlag German
Abacus User’s Reference Manual, The 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
ABC Asemblera * 1989 Alma-Press Polish
ABC der Mikroprozessoren und Mikrocomputer 1979 Franzis-Verlag German
ABC Racunalnistva 1984 ZOTKS Slovenian
Abenteuer in BASIC 1984 Klett German
Action Games for Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Virgin Books English
Advanced BASIC: Applications and Problems * 1977 Hayden Book Company Inc English
Advanced Graphics with the Sinclair ZX Spectrum * 1983 Papermac English
Advanced Programming for the 16K ZX81 1983 Papermac English
Advanced Programming with the Sinclair QL 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Advanced QL Machine Code 1985 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Advanced Spectrum FORTH * 1984 Melbourne House English
Advanced Spectrum Machine Language * 1984 Melbourne House English
Advanced Z80 Machine Code Programming 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Adventurer’s Companion, The 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Adventurer’s Notebook, The 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Adventures! 1986 Addison-Wesley [NL] Dutch
Adventures for Your ZX-Spectrum * 1984 Virgin Books English
Adventures on the Spectrum * 1989 Mike Gerrard English
Adventures & Rollenspiele 1987 Data Becker German
Adventures und Wie Man Sie Programmiert 1984 Data Becker German
Adventures with Your Computer 1984 Penguin Books Ltd English
Aerospace Applications of the Spectrum Computer 1985 Energy Consultancy English
A l’Affiche le ZX Spectrum 1984 Editions P.S.I. French
Alan Sugar: The Amstrad Story 1990 Random House English
All About Computers * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
All About Forth 1984 M&J Software English
Alla Scoperta del Computer con la Pantera Rosa 1984 AMZ Italian
Alla Scoperta dello ZX Spectrum 1983 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
Alles uber den ZX81: Programme und Bauanleitungen 1986 Pflaum Verlag German
Alles Wat U Moet Weten over de ZX Spectrum 1985 MCN Software [1] Dutch
Alff’s Verruckte Computerwelt 1990 Sybex [DE] German
Algoritmos Elementares 1988 Coleccao Sistemas Portuguese
Allophone Dictionary 1985 Currah Computer Components Ltd English
All-Time Top 100 1985 Your Computer English
Alternative Languages for the Spectrum 1986 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Analysis mit dem Computer 1985 B.G. Teubner German
Animacion Grafica en Baja Resolucion Ediciones Universidad y Cultura Spanish
Antagonists, The 1985 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Anwenderprogramme zum ZX-81 und ZX-Spectrum 1984 Vieweg German
Aplicacoes Serias para ZX81, TK82C e CP200 * 1983 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
Aplicacoes Serias para TK85 e CP200 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
Aprenda Electricidade com o Seu Computador * 1988 Tempos Livres Portuguese
Aprende Jugando: Tu Primer Libro del Spectrum 1987 Edisoft S.A. Spanish
Arbeitsbuch Mikrocomputer 1985 Franzis-Verlag German
Arcade Explorers: Revenge of the Raster Gang * 1985 Laurel-Leaf Books English
Arcade Explorers: Save the Venturians! * 1985 Laurel-Leaf Books English
Arcade Explorers: The Electronic Hurricane * 1985 Laurel-Leaf Books English
Arcade Explorers: The Magnetic Ghost of Shadow Island * 1985 Laurel-Leaf Books English
Arcade Fever * 2001 Running Press Book Publishers English
Artificial Intelligence in BASIC 1984 Newnes Technical Books English
Artificial Intelligence on the Sinclair QL: Make Your Micro Think * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Artificial Intelligence on the Spectrum Computer: Make Your Micro Think * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Artificial Intelligence: ZX Spectrum 1984 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Art of Micro Design, The 1984 Newnes Technical Books English
Art of Programming the 16K ZX81, The * 1982 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Art of Programming the 1K ZX81, The * 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Art of Programming the ZX Spectrum, The 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Assembler a ZX-Spectrum Vol 1 * 1992 Proxima Software Czech
Assembler a ZX-Spectrum Vol 2 * 1992 Proxima Software Czech
Assembler para o TK90X * 1986 McGraw-Hill [BR] Portuguese
Assembler-Programmierung von Mikroprozessoren (8080, 8085, Z80) mit dem ZX81 1984 Vieweg German
Assembler Routines for the Z80 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
Assembly Language Assembled for the Sinclair ZX81 1983 Macmillan Education Ltd English
Assembly Language for Arcade Games and Other Fast Spectrum Programs * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Assembly Language Programming on the Sinclair QL * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Astounding Arcade Games for Your Spectrum+ & Spectrum 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Astronomer’s Software 1985 Sigma Technical Press English
Astronomy on Your Computer Sybex Computer Books English
ASZMIC ROM Handbuch Profisoft [Ger] German
A to Z Book of Computer Games, The * 1979 Tab Books Inc English
Au Coeur du QL Eyrolles French
Ausgewahlte Finanzberechnungen auf dem Microcomputer 1985 Luther-Verlag German
Automated Legal Research: A Manual for QL Users English
Automated Office, The 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
A-Z of Cool Computer Games, The 2005 Allison & Busby English
Banco de Dados para TK90X: Inclui TK85 * 1986 Editora Campus Ltda Portuguese
BASIC * 1964 Dartmouth College English
Basic 1983 Springer-Verlag German
BASIC: A Hands-on Method * 1978 BYTE English
Basically Speaking: Programming for Everybody 1986 Computer Publications English
BASIC: An Introduction to Computer Programming 1978 Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc English
BASIC Avancado * 1987 Publicacoes Europa-America Ltda Portuguese
Basic Avancado para o TK90X 1986 McGraw-Hill [BR] Portuguese
Basic Avanzado para Ninos * 1987 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Basic aus der Praxis 4 1984 IWT Verlag German
Basic BASIC * 1978 Edward Arnold Ltd English
Basic BASIC: An Introduction to Computer Programming in BASIC Language * 1978 Hayden Book Company Inc English
BASIC BASICO: Curso de Programacion Novena Edicion Spanish
BASIC Basics for the Timex Sinclair 1500/1000 1984 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
BASIC-Befehle 1987 Idea German
BASIC Book, The * 1983 BYTE English
BASIC-Brevier: Eine Einfuhrung in de Programmierung von Heimcomputern 1980 Heinz Heise German
BASIC-Brevier: Systematische Aufgabensammlung 1983 Heinz Heise German
BASIC Computer Games – Microcomputer Edition * 1978 Workman Publishing English
BASIC Computerspellen 1982 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC Computerspellen voor de ZX Spectrum 1985 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC Computerspiele fur Mikrocomputer band 1 1984 Frech-Verlag German
BASIC Cookbook, The * 1978 Tab Books Inc English
Basic: Dateien, Listen und Verzeichnisse 1984 Franzis-Verlag German
BASIC del Spectrum, El 1985 Agustin Blanco/Benita Compostela Spanish
BASIC 1987 Cottbus German
BASIC Effektiv Programmieren 1989 Die Wirtschaft German
BASIC: Einfuhrung in das Programmieren 1987 Fachbuchverlag German
BASIC Einfuhrungskurs 1989 Klett German
BASIC en Huiscomputers 1980 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC & FORTH in Parallel 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
BASIC & FORTRAN in Parallel 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
BASIC Keywords 1983 John Wiley & Sons Ltd English
Basic & LOGO in Parallel 1988 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
BASIC & PASCAL in Parallel 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
BASIC for Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Arrow English
BASIC Fun * 1982 Avon Books English
BASIC Fun with Adventure Games * 1984 Avon Books English
BASIC fur Anfanger 1987 Die Wirtschaft German
Basic fur Aufsteiger 1983 Franzis-Verlag German
Basic fur Einsteiger 1982 Franzis-Verlag German
BASIC fur Fortgeschrittene 1982 Vieweg German
BASIC fur Mikrorechner 1988 Verlag Technik German
BASIC: Grundlagen und Beispiele, Anwendung in Mikro- und Minicomputern 1979 Frech-Verlag German
BASIC Handbook, The * 1978 Compusoft Publishing English
BASIC Kinderleicht 1985 Verlag Die Schulpraxis German
BASIC mit Pfiff 1985 Idea German
Basicode-3 1986 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Basicode: Die Kompatible Computersprache 1986 Ravensburger Verlag German
BasiCode: Mit Programmen auf Schallplatte fur Heimcomputer 1990 Verlag Technik German
BASIC para Electronicos 1986 Ediciones Tecnicas Rede S.A. Spanish
BASIC para Maestros 1986 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
BASIC para Micros Pessoais * 1983 Editora Campus Ltda Portuguese
BASIC para Ninos * 1984 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
BASIC par la Pratique, Le 1981 Sybex [FR] French
BASIC per Lo Spectrum 1984 Edizioni Acanthus Italian
BASIC pour l’Entreprise, Le 1981 Sybex [FR] French
BASIC Programacion 1986 Ediciones SM S.A. Spanish
BASIC Programar e Facil Publipress Portuguese
BASIC-Programma’s voor het Hele Gezin Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC-Programma’s voor Huiscomputers 1981 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC-Programma’s voor School en Bedrijf 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC-Programma’s voor Wetenschap en Techniek * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC-Programma’s voor ZX Spectrum Programmeurs * 1984 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
BASIC-Programmbausteine 1989 Verlag Technik German
BASIC Programming on the QL 1985 Prentice-Hall International English
BASICS, a guide to the Timex/Sinclair 1000 1983 McGraw-Hill [US] English
Basics of Timex Sinclair 1000, ZX81 BASIC 1983 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
BASIC-Schnupperkurs 1987 Frech-Verlag German
BASIC Sinclair * 1985 Editora Campus Ltda Portuguese
BASIC-Spiele Selbst Erdacht auf dem Sinclair ZX81 1984 Frech-Verlag German
BASIC TK Vol 1: Elementar * 1983 Editora Moderna Portuguese
BASIC TK Vol II: Programacao * 1983 Editora Moderna Portuguese
BASIC TK Vol III: Avancado 1983 Editora Moderna Portuguese
BASIC: Uvod v Racunalnistvo in Programski Jezik BASIC 1984 Jure Spiler Slovenian
BASIC-Versionen im Vergleich 1984 Vogel Buchverlag German
BASIC voor Beginners 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Basic: Zahlen-Umwandlungen 1984 Franzis-Verlag German
BASIC: Za ZX Spectrum 1985 Jure Spiler Slovenian
BASIC ZX Spectrum+ 1985 Geasa S.A. Spanish
Beginners’ BASIC 1984 Windward English
Beginners’ Micro Guides: ZX Spectrum Granada Publishing English
Beginners BASIC for the Spectrum 1983 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Beginner’s Guide to Adventures, A 1991 Atlas Adventure Software English
Beginners Guide to Microcomputing 1984 Newnes Technical Books English
Beginner’s Guide to Microcomputer Languages 1984 Newnes Technical Books English
Beginner’s Guide to the ZX Spectrum, A * 1984 Kingfisher English
Beginner’s Computer Handbook, The * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Beginner’s Programming Handbook, The Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Beginning BASIC with the ZX Spectrum * 1985 Papermac English
Beginning Micro-PROLOG 1983 Ellis Horwood Ltd English
Besten Anwendungen fur Home-Computer, Die 1985 Vogel Buchverlag German
Best of PCW – Software for the Spectrum 1983 Century Communications Ltd English
Best of SUM, The * 1985 SUM English
Best Software Guide – Spectrum Games 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Beter Programmeren met Beta-Basic en ZX Spectrum (+) * 1985 Terminal Software Publicaties Dutch
Better Guide to the Sinclair Spectrum, The 1984 Zomba Books English
Better Programming for Your Spectrum and ZX81 1983 Fontana Publishing English
Better ZX BASIC 1983 Minimal Systems English
Bevor Sie einen Computer Kaufen 1985 Franzis-Verlag German
Beyond the Arcade 1984 Mosaic Publishing Ltd English
Beyond Simple BASIC – Delving Deeper into Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Bible Basic * 1983 Harper & Row Publishers Inc English
Biblioteca Practica: Taller de Informatica Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Big Computer Games * 1984 Creative Computing Press English
Big Fat Book of Computer Games, The 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Bit of BASIC, A * 1980 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Boite a Outils pour Micro Gestionnaire pour Sinclair Poche Informatique French
Book of Adventure Games, The * 1984 Book Co. English
Book of Pokes, The 1985 L.S. Dodds Ltd English
Book of Shadows, The 1984 Carnell Software Ltd English
Brain Games for Kids and Adults Using the Timex/Sinclair 1000, 1500 & 2000 Series 1984 Robert J. Brady Co. English
Brainteasers 1984 LCL English
Brainteasers for BASIC Computers 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Brain Teasers for the Spectrum 48K * 1984 Phoenix Publishing Associates English
Bugaboo, un Hito en la Historia del Software Espanol * 2009 Universidad de Extremadura – Servicio de Publicaciones Spanish
Build Your Own Expert System * 1983 Sigma Technical Press English
Build Your Own Z80 Computer * 1981 BYTE English
Bumper Book of Programs for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1983 Pan Books Ltd English
Business Basic 1984 R. v. Decker’s Verlag German
Business Programming on Your Spectrum * 1984 Phoenix Publishing Associates English
Byteing Deeper into Your ZX81 1981 Sigma Technical Press English
Bytes Brothers 1: Input an Investigation, The 1984 Armada English
Bytes Brothers 2: Program a Problem, The 1984 Armada English
Bytes Brothers 3: Enter the Evidence, The 1984 Armada English
Calculating with QL Abacus 1986 Longman Software English
Cambridge Collection, The * 1981 Richard Francis Altwasser English
Cambridge Colour Collection * 1982 Richard Francis Altwasser English
C Answer Book, The 1990 Prentice-Hall International English
Capital Radio’s Book of Computers & Simple Programming 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Carte de Reference ZX Spectrum * 1983 Eyrolles French
Cartoon Guide to Computer Science, The 1984 Harper & Row Publishers Inc English
Century Computer Programming Course for the Spectrum, The 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
Century Computer Programming Course, The 1983 Century Communications Ltd English
C for Beginners 1987 Melbourne House English
Children at Risk 1986 Kingsway English
Child’s Guide to the ZX Spectrum, A * 1983 Cambridge University Press English
Chip-Generation 1984 Rowohlt German
Chips, Sensoren, Computer 1986 Urania German
Chip-Test-Jahrbuch 1985 1985 Vogel Buchverlag German
Choosing and Using a Microcomputer 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Choosing and Using Your Home Computer 1984 Orbis Publishing Ltd English
Circuitos de Micros * 1987 Editora Petit Portuguese
Circuitos Sinclair “Inclui TK90X” * 1986 Editora Campus Ltda Portuguese
C Language 1985 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Clefs pour le ZX Spectrum et Timex 2000 * 1983 Editions P.S.I. French
Codigo de Maquina para TK e CP 200 1983 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
Codigo Maquina del ZX-Spectrum * 1986 Hobby Press S.A. Spanish
Codigo Maquina ZX Spectrum: Para Principiantes * 1984 Indescomp S.A. Spanish
Colecao de Programas Vol I 1983 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Colecao de Programas Vol II * 1983 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Colecao de Programas Vol III * 1985 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Collins Gem Dictionary of Computing 1986 Collins Educational Ltd English
Collins Gem Micro Facts Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Colores del Spectrum, Los 1983 T.A.I. Spanish
Colour Coded Guide to Microcomputers, The 1984 MacDonald English
Cometas en Tu Micro: El Halley 1986 Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A. Spanish
Comets 1986 MacDonald English
Commercial Games Programmer’s Guide, The 1993 Software Developments English
Como Crear Tus Juegos en el Spectrum 1985 Editorial Noray S.A. Spanish
Como Programar Ordenadores Personales 1985 Marcombo Boixareu Editores Spanish
Como Programar Su Spectrum 1983 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Como Programar Su Spectrum y Timex 2068 1985 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Como Usar los Colores y los Graficos en el Spectrum 1984 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Companion to the Sinclair ZX Microdrive and Interfaces, The * 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Complete FORTH, The 1983 Sigma Technical Press English
Complete Programmer, The 1983 Granada Publishing English
Complete Sinclair Database, The 1984 Big Brother Publications English
Complete Sinclair QL ROM Dissasembly English
Complete Sinclair ZX81 Basic Course, The * 1981 Melbourne House English
Complete Spectrum BASIC Course, The 1984 Melbourne House English
Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly, The * 1983 Melbourne House English
Complete Spectrum, The 1984 Granada Publishing English
Complete Timex TS1000/Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly, The * 1982 Melbourne House English
Complete Your Sinclair Tipshop Tiptionary, The * 1990 Your Sinclair English
Compute a Clue 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Computer 1986 Tomus-Verlag German
Computer Adventures: The Secret Art 1990 Amazon Systems English
Computer Arithmetic for the ZX81 User 1982 Northern Technology Books English
Computer Battlegames * 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computerbegriffe Popular 1987 Urania German
Computer Bible Games * 1984 Accent Books English
Computer Bluff 1983 Quartermaine English
Computerbuch fur Frauen, Das 1985 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Computerbuch fur Vater und Sohn, Das 1984 Bertelsmann German
Computer Companion for the Sinclair/Timex Computers 1983 Tab Books Inc English
Computer Crazy 1984 Sybex Computer Books English
Computer – Die Leisen Eroberer 1987 Markt & Technik German
Computer-Fieber! 1984 Micromania [3] German
Computer Fun * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computer fur Jedermann: ZX81 + Spectrum 1983 Idea German
Computer Games * 1984 St. Michael English
Computer Gamesmanship 1983 Century Communications Ltd English
Computer Games to Play and Write * 1983 Sparrow Books English
Computer Graphics with Pascal 1986 Benjamin Cummings English
Computer-Grundwissen 1984 Falken Verlag German
Computerhassbuch, Das 1987 Tronic-Verlag German
Computer Horror & Spy Games 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computer Interfacing Techniques in Science * 1985 Scott Foresman and Company English
Computer Jahrbuch ’85 1984 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Computer-Katalog 1985 1985 Vogel Buchverlag German
Computerkinder 1985 Rowohlt German
Computer Kinderleicht band 1: Wie Geht das Uberhaupt? 1985 F. Schneider German
Computer Kinderleicht band 3: Programmiere Selbst – in BASIC! 1986 F. Schneider German
Computer-Kriminalitat 1986 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Computer Languages and Their Uses 1983 Granada Publishing English
Computer-Lexikon 1984 Franz Schneider Verlag German
Computer-Losungen fur Schule, Studium und Alltag MVG-Verlag German
Computer Magic – Amazing Tricks on the ZX81 1984 Martin Breese English
Computer Music Projects * 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Computer Power and Human Reason 1984 Penguin Books Ltd English
Computerprogramma’s: ZX Spectrum (+) 1985 Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij Aartselaar Dutch
Computer-Programme fur Sinclair ZX 81 Vogel Buchverlag German
Computer Programming 1984 St. Michael English
Computer Programming 1, 2, 3! 1983 Dragon English
Computer Programming for the Complete Idiot * 1979 Design Enterprises of San Francisco English
Computer Programming in BASIC 1978 Thomas Nelson Ltd English
Computer Programming in Pascal 1983 Teach Yourself English
Computer Programs That Work! 1978 Sigma Technical Press English
Computer Projects * 1985 Piccolo Books English
Computer Projects for Railway Modellers 1987 PSL English
Computer Puzzles: For Spectrum & ZX81 * 1982 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Computers 1981 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computers for Accountants * 1983 Sinclair Browne Ltd English
Computers For Kids: Sinclair ZX-81 Edition 1983 Creative Computing Press English
Computers & Information Processing 1986 Harper & Row Publishers Inc English
Computers in Schools 1981 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Computer-Ratgeber 1984 Rowohlt German
Computer Sind Uberall 1984 Falken Verlag German
Computers in the Primary School 1985 MacDonald/Evans English
Computer Spacegames * 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computer Spy Games * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Computer-Tagebuch 1985 Franz Schneider Verlag German
Computer Terminology Explained 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Computer und Kunst 1988 Urania German
Computer & Video Games Book of Adventure, The 1983 Melbourne House English
Computer & Video Games Spectrum Collection, The 1984 EMAP Business & Computer Publications Ltd English
Computer Wimp 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Computerwissen fur Alle 1988 Fachbuchverlag German
Computer World 1983 Piccolo Books English
Computerzeit 1987 Markt & Technik German
Compute’s Guide to Adventure Games * 1984 Compute! Books English
Computing for the Hobbyist and Small Business 1983 Granada Publishing English
Computing in Print 1984 Neat Quest English
Computing is Easy 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
Conduite du ZX81, La Eyrolles French
Conheca os Computadores 1984 Arte de Viver Portuguese
Conquering Adventure Games * 1984 Dilithium Press English
Contabilidad con Spectrum: Contatex * 1985 Paraninfo Soft S.A. Spanish
Continuing BASIC 1980 Macmillan Education Ltd English
Corish’s Computer Games Guide 1990 Newsfield Publications Ltd English
Counting on QL Abacus 1986 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
CP/M Handbook with MP/M, The * 1980 Sybex Computer Books English
CP/M Operating System * 1982 Digital Research Inc English
C Programming Language, The 1983 Prentice-Hall [US] English
C-Puzzlebuch 1985 Carl Hanser Verlag German
Cracking the Code on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Crash Course in PASCAL, A 1985 Edward Arnold Ltd English
Creating Adventure Programs on Your Computer * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Creating Adventure Programs on Your ZX Spectrum 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Creating Arcade Games on Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Creating Political & Military Simulation Games on Your Micro * 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Creating Simulation Games on Your Computer * 1986 Ballantine Books English
Creative Computer, The 1984 Viking Press English
Creepy Computer Games * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Creer Animer Ses Jeux Video 1984 Editions Radio French
Criando em Linguagem de Maquina 1985 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Crunchers: 21 Simple Games for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 2K 1983 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Csupa Jatek ZX Spectrumra * 1985 Muszaki Konyvkiado Hungarian
Csupajatek * 2004 Jatekgyaros Hungarian
Csupajatek 2 * 2004 Jatekgyaros Hungarian
Csupajatek 3 * 2005 Jatekgyaros Hungarian
Csupajatek 4 * 2006 Jatekgyaros Hungarian
Curso de Jogos em BASIC TK * Editora Moderna Portuguese
Curso de Programacao BASIC e Operacao CP-200 * 1982 Editora Tecnica Eletronica Ltda Portuguese
Curso Practico de BASIC 1984 Libreria General Spanish
Daily Mail Home Computing Guide 1987 1986 Assoc. Magazines English
Data Becker’s Homecomputer Buch 1984 Data Becker German
Data Communicatie 1982 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Data Management at Work 1985 Pan Books Ltd English
Database Management on the Sinclair QL 1985 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Databases for Fun and Profit 1983 Granada Publishing English
Daten, Disketten, Dateien 1984 Vogel Buchverlag German
Datenverarbeitung mit dem Sinclair QL 1986 Huthig German
Delta Manual * 1985 Czech
Desassemblage de la ROM du QL, Le Logisoft French
Design and Memory 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Desk-Top Computing with the Sinclair QL 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Developing Applications on the Sinclair QL 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Dicionario do Basic Sinclair: Para os Micros TK82C, NE z8000 1984 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
Dictionary of Computers, A 1977 Penguin Books Ltd English
Dictionary of Computer Words, A 1983 Banbury Books English
Dictionary of Computing 1985 Sphere Books Ltd English
Disc Drives for Microcomputers 1983 Sinclair Browne Ltd English
Discover FORTH: Learning and Programming the FORTH Language 1982 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Discover Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Diseno de Juegos * 1986 Ediciones Ingelek S.A. Spanish
Dissecando Jogos – Em Basic Comentado Linha por Linha 1985 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Dizzy: This Is Your Life 2005 David Crookes English
Don’t! (Or How to Care for Your Computer) * 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Drive Your Spectrum 1983 Foulsham English
Drucker und Plotter 1986 Falken Verlag German
Dynamic Games for the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Easy Add-on Projects for Spectrum, ZX81 & Ace * 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Easy Programming for the ZX Spectrum * 1982 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Easy-to-Understand Guide to Home Computers * 1982 Publications International Ltd English
Easy Way to Program Your New Computer, The 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Ecrans du ZX Spectrum, Les Hachette Jeunesse French
EDOS Computer Games Catalogue 1993 Computer Visions English
Educare’s 50 1982 Educare English
Educatieve Programma’s in BASIC 1986 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Educational Programs for the Spectrum 1983 Century Communications Ltd English
Educational Software – A Parent’s Guide 1993 English
Educational Software Directory 1989 Rickett Educational Media English
Educational Uses of the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Sinclair Browne Ltd English
Effektiv Programmieren in C 1989 Vieweg German
Einfach LOGO 1985 Jugend und Volk German
Einfuhrung in BASIC 1987 Militarverlag German
Einfuhrung in die Mikrorechentechnik 1987 Verlag Technik German
Einfuhrung in die Mikroprozessoren und Mikrocomputer 1991 Attempto Verlag German
Einfuhrung in die Programmierung mit PASCAL 1982 B.G. Teubner German
Einfuhrung in Pascal 1990 Falken Verlag German
Einstieg in die EDV met dem ZX 81, Der 1985 Luther-Verlag German
Electronic Life 1983 Knopf English
Elektronicaprojecten voor de ZX Spectrum en ZX Spectrum+ * 1986 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Elementary BASIC 1982 Vintage Books English
Elementary PASCAL 1982 Vintage Books English
Elementary Timex/Sinclair, The 1983 Datamost Inc English
Emulatoren: Wie Computersysteme und Spielkonsolen Unsterblich Werden 2007 Skriptorium Verlag German
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 1: ABC de la Programacion 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 2: Estructura de la Programacion 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 3: Como Simplificar y Mejorar los Programas 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 4: La Logica del Ordenador Graficos y Sonido 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia del BASIC Spectrum 5: Mas Alla del Basic 1987 Ediciones CEAC S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica * 1983 Ediciones Nueva Lente S.A./Ediciones Ingelek S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 1: Como Construir Juegos de Aventura * 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 2: Como Dibujar y Hacer Graficos con el Ordenado 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 3: Programacion Estructurada en el Lenguaje Pascal 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 4: Como Elegir una Base de Datos 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 5: Anada Perifericos a Su Ordenador 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 6: Graficos Animados con el Ordenador 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 7: Juegos Inteligentes en Microordenadores 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Practica de la Informatica Aplicada 8: Perifericos Interactivos para Su Ordenador 1986 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Enciclopedia Pratica de Informatica Volume 1 * 1983 Editora Abril S.A. Portuguese
Enciclopedia Pratica de Informatica Volume 2 * 1983 Editora Abril S.A. Portuguese
Enciclopedia Pratica de Informatica Volume 3 * 1983 Editora Abril S.A. Portuguese
Enciclopedia Pratica de Informatica Volume 4 * 1983 Editora Abril S.A. Portuguese
Engineering & Scientific Applications of the ZX81/Spectrum Computers, The 1983 Energy Consultancy English
Enter the Evidence 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Erfolgreiche Aktienanlage mit dem Kleincomputer 1986 Hoppenstedt & Co German
Erfolgreich Programmieren mit C 1985 Sybex [DE] German
Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home Computers, The * 1983 Simon & Schuster English
Evoluindo no Basic TK 1985 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Exercices pour ZX Spectrum / Timex 2000 1984 Editions P.S.I. French
Expert Guide to the Spectrum, An * 1984 Granada Publishing English
Explorando o TK90X: o Que o Manual Nao Contou… * 1985 Editora Aleph Portuguese
Explorers Guide to the ZX81, The * 1982 Timedata Ltd English
Explorer’s Guide to the ZX Spectrum and ZX81 1983 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Exploring Adventures on the Spectrum 48K 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Exploring Artificial Intelligence on Your Microcomputer 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Exploring Artificial Intelligence on Your Sinclair QL Interface Publications Ltd English
Exploring Artificial Intelligence on Your Spectrum+ and Spectrum * 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Exploring Expert Systems on Your Microcomputer 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Exploring FORTH 1984 Granada Publishing English
Exploring Spectrum BASIC * 1982 Timedata Ltd English
Exploring the Sinclair QL – An Introduction to Superbasic * 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Exploring Timex Sinclair 1500/1000 Graphics 1983 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Fahrbarer Selbstbauroboter – aus Kostengunstigen und Leicht zu Beschaffenden Teilen 1990 Elektor Verlag German
Falken-Computer-Lexikon 1988 Falken Verlag German
Family Computer Book, The 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
Family Fun on the ZX81 – Top 20 Programs 1983 Foulsham English
Fantastische Avonturen voor je ZX Spectrum deel 2 1985 Uitgeverij Luitingh Dutch
Fantasy Art of Oliver Frey, The 2006 Thalamus Publishing English
Ficheros en Basic Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Fifth Generation, The 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Fifty 1K/2K Games for the ZX-81 and Timex Sinclair 1000 1982 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Fifty BASIC Excercises 1982 Sybex Computer Books English
Fifty Pascal Programs 1984 Sybex Computer Books English
Fifty Subroutines for the Sinclair Spectrum * 1983 Sigma Technical Press English
Financiele Programma’s voor de ZX Spectrum 1985 Terminal Software Publicaties Dutch
First Book of Party Tricks for the ZX81 (1K) 1982 Video Software Ltd English
First Steps in Assembly Language for the 68000 1987 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
First Steps in BASIC 1983 Windward English
First Steps with Your Spectrum volume 1 * 1983 Armada English
First Steps with Your Spectrum volume 2 1983 Armada English
First Steps with Your ZX81 Armada English
FORTH Adwendungsbeispiele 1984 Hofacker Verlag German
FORTH Handbuch 1982 Hofacker Verlag German
FORTH Bridge 1983 Jupiter Cantab English
Forward 100 – LOGO and Your Child 1984 Viking Press English
Fraktale Geometrie 1989 Hofacker Verlag German
Friendly Computer Book, The 1984 Granada Publishing English
From Chips to Systems 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Fun Mathematics on Your Microcomputer 1983 Cambridge University Press English
Further Programming in BASIC 1982 Thomas Nelson Ltd English
Further Programming for the ZX Spectrum * 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Games for Your Sinclair QL 1985 Virgin Books English
Games for Your Timex-Sinclair 1000 1983 Dell Publishing Company English
Games for Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Virgin Books English
Games for Your ZX81 1984 Virgin Books English
Games, Graphics and Sounds 1984 Windward English
Games of Action and Excitement for Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Corgi/Addison-Wesley Productions English
Games Programming 1984 Cambridge University Press English
Games QL Computers Play 1985 Corgi English
Games to Play on Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Games ZX Computers Play: Thirty Programs for the Spectrum and ZX81 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
Gateway Guide to the ZX81 and ZX80, The 1981 Interface Publications Ltd English
Gateway to Computing with the ZX Spectrum – Book 1 * 1984 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Gateway to Computing with the ZX Spectrum – Book 2 1984 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Geld & Computer 1986 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Get More from the Epson Printer 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Get More from Your Personal Computer 1982 Newnes Technical Books English
Getting Acquainted with Your ZX81 1981 Interface Publications Ltd English
Getting Started on Your Spectrum 1983 Futura English
Getting Started on Your ZX81 1983 Futura English
Getting the Most from Your Printer 1986 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Getting the Most from Your Sinclair Spectrum 1983 Penguin Books Ltd English
Getting to Know Your Sinclair QL 1985 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Giant Book of Computer Games * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Giant Book of Spectrum Arcade Games 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Giant Book of Spectrum Games 1983 Fontana Publishing English
Go FORTH 1984 Micro-books English
Golden Flutes & Great Escapes * 1984 Dilithium Press English
Go Micro 1984 Longman Software English
Good Computing Book for Beginners, The 1983 ECC Publications Ltd English
Good Programming with QL Superbasic 1984 Longman Software English
Good Software Guide, The 1984 Fontana Publishing English
GOSUBs * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Go to a Getaway 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Graficos, Colores y Musica en el ZX Spectrum 1985 Ediciones SM S.A. Spanish
Graficos no TK90X 1985 Nobel Portuguese
Grafik mit dem Home-Computer 1984 Vogel Buchverlag German
Graphic Adventures for the Spectrum 48K * 1984 Micro Press [1] English
Graphisme 3D * 1985 ETSF French
Grosse EPSON-Druckerbuch, Das 1985 Data Becker German
Grundwissen Informationsverarbeitung 1986 Falken Verlag German
Guia de Iniciacion: ZX Spectrum+ 1985 Editorial MicroTextos S.A. Spanish
Guia Practica de BASIC del ZX81 y del Spectrum 1984 Ediciones Tecnicas Rede S.A. Spanish
Guia Practica para la Programmacion Creativa Spectrum 1985 Ediciones Tecnicas Rede S.A. Spanish
Guida al Sinclair ZX81 ZX80 e Nuova ROM 1984 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
Guide to Playing the Fourth Protocol, A 1986 Century Communications Ltd English
Guide to Playing the Hobbit, A 1984 Melbourne House English
Guide to the Spectrum ROM, The * 1982 Hilderbay Ltd English
Guide to the ZX Spectrum 1983 Boots English
Guide to ZX Spectrum Resources 1982 MicroScene English
Hacker Hackbuch, Das 1985 Edition Aragon German
Hacker’s Dictionary, The 1983 Harper & Row Publishers Inc English
Hacker’s Handbook, The * 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
Hacker’s Handbook III 1988 Century Communications Ltd English
Hacker’s Handbook, The 1985 Longman Software English
Ham-Software fur den ZX-81 1985 Beam-Verlag German
Handbuch der BASIC-Dialekte 1986 Franz Schneider Verlag German
Handbuch fur den Familien-Computer, Das 1984 Delphin-Verlag German
Handbuch fur den ZX Spectrum Profisoft [Ger] German
Hands On: Hands Off – A Computer Activity Book for Schools * 1986 A. & Co Black Ltd English
Hardware-Erweiterungen fur den ZX81 * 1985 Franzis-Verlag German
Hardware-Erweiterung fur ZX Spectrum 1990 Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus German
Hardware Sinclair para TK82C, NE Z8000, TK 83, TK 85, CP 200, RINGO, AS 1000, etc… 1984 Micro-eletronica Portuguese
Heimcomputer-Bastelkiste 1986 Falken Verlag German
Heimcomputer Spielend Leicht Bertelsmann German
Heimcomputer: Spielzeug, Werkzeug, Teufelszeug? 1984 Ullstein German
Heyne Computer Lexikon, Das 1984 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Hints and Tips for the ZX81 * 1982 Hewson Consultants Ltd English
Home Applications on Your Micro 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Home Computer handbook, The 1980 Sevenoaks English
Hotline 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
How to Be Computerate 1983 Methuen London Ltd/Thames Television English
How to Create Adventure Games * 1986 Franklin Watts Inc English
How to Create a Game for ZX Spectrum 1994 Piter Publishing House Russian
How to Create a Game for ZX Spectrum, Using Assembler 1995 Piter Publishing House Russian
How to Create Computer Games * 1986 Franklin Watts Inc English
How to Look after Your Home Computer 1986 English
How to Make Computer Controlled Robots 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
How to Make Computer Model Controllers * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
How to Program Microcomputers * 1977 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
How to Program the ZX81 1981 ICL English
How to Win at Pac-Man * 1982 Penguin Books Ltd English
How to Write ZX Spectrum and Spectrum+ Games Programs 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Ich Mochte einen Computer 1983 Frech-Verlag German
Idea Book, Timex Sinclair 1000 Edition 1983 Creative Computing Press English
Ideas for Micro Users 1984 Ladybird Books English
Ihr Grosser Fahrplan in die Zukunft, Edition 1985-86 1985 Hofacker Verlag German
Ik en mijn ZX Spectrum 1984 Wolters-Noordhoff Dutch
Illustrating BASIC 1982 Cambridge University Press English
Illustrating Superbasic on the Sinclair QL 1985 Cambridge University Press English
Imparare a Programmare con lo ZX Spectrum Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
Impariamo a Programmare in BASIC con lo ZX80 1981 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
In den Schluchten der Bytes 1988 Neff-Brevier German
INES: Urejevalnik Podatkov, Slik in Besedil 1985 Primoz Jakopin Slovenian
Informatica na Escola, A * 1985 Coleccao Sistemas Portuguese
Informatica y Programacion: Paso a Paso 2 1987 Ediciones Siglo Cultural S.A. Spanish
Information Handling for the ZX Spectrum 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Information Technology at Work 1986 Heinemann Educational English
Information Revolution 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Iniciacion al BASIC: Viaje Espacial 1985 Ediciones Generales Anaya S.A. Spanish
Initiation BASIC 1981 Editions Radio French
Input an Investigation 1983 Fontana Publishing English
Ins and Outs of the TIMEX TS1000 & ZX81, The * 1983 Melbourne House English
Inside BASIC Games * 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Inside QDOS Giga Soft English
Inside the Chip 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Inside the Sinclair QL 1985 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Inside Your Computer 1983 Granada Publishing English
Inside Your Spectrum * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Instant Arcade Games for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1983 Pan Books Ltd English
Instant Spectrum Programming * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Intelligente Maschine, Die 1988 Urania German
Intelligent Micro: Artificial Intelligence for Microcomputers, The 1986 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Interfacing Microcomputers to the Real World 1981 Addison-Wesley Productions English
International Microcomputer Dictionary, The 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Into the QL Archive 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Introducing Artificial Intelligence 1984 NCC Publications English
Introducing LOGO 1984 Granada Publishing English
Introducing Microprocessors 1981 Keith Dickson Publishing Ltd English
Introducing Pascal * 1984 Granada Publishing English
Introducing Spectrum Machine Code * 1983 Granada Publishing English
Introducing the Sinclair QL 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Introducing Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Longman Software English
Introducing Z-80 Assembly Language Programming 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1985 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Introduction to Computer Communications, An 1986 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to Computer Peripherals, An 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to Computer Programming: BASIC for Beginners * 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to Computer Programming for Information Services: TIMEX-SINCLAIR 1000/1500 1983 Pacific Information English
Introduction to Computing 1983 Windward English
Introduction to Digital Logic, An 1973 Papermac English
Introduction to FORTH 1982 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Introduction to Microcomputers, An 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to MUD, An 1985 Century Communications Ltd English
Introduction to PASCAL Including UCSD PASCAL 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Introduction to Programming the Sinclair QL, An 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to QL Machine Code, An 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Introduction to Simulation Techniques on the Sinclair QL 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Introduction to Superbasic on the Sinclair QL 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Introduction to the Z80 Microcomputer * 1982 John Wiley & Sons Ltd English
Introduction to Vu-Calc Spreadsheeting for the Timex/Sinclair 2000 and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, An 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Introduction to Word Processing 1981 Sybex Computer Books English
Introduction to Z80 Machine Code, An 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Invent and Write Games Programs for the Spectrum * 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Inves Spectrum+ Guia de Funcionamiento 1986 Investronica S.A. Spanish
Island of Secrets * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
I Wish I Knew … about the Spectrum and the ZX81 1983 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Jeux et Casse-Tete a Programmer 1985 French
Jogos e Desenhos no TK90X Vol 1 1985 Nobel Portuguese
Jogos em Linguagem de Maquina * 1984 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Jogos em Linguagem de Maquina Vol. 2 * 1984 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Jogos em Linguagem de Maquina Vol. 3 * 1984 Editora Moderna Portuguese
Jogos e Programas para o Spectrum Edicoes Socedite Portuguese
Joy of Computers, The 1983 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Joysticks: Eine Illustrierte Geschichte der Game-Controller 1972 – 2004 2003 Take 2 Interactive German
Juegos Matematicos de Ingenio en BASIC 1985 Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A. Spanish
Jupiter Ace: FORTH Programming 1982 Jupiter Cantab English
Katalog Programa za ZX Spectrum 1985 Mladost Serbian
Katie and the Computer * 1979 Creative Computing Press English
Kids and Computers – The Parents’ Microcomputer Handbook 1983 Kingfisher English
Kid’s Manual for Programming the Sinclair/Timex Computers, A 1983 Tab Books Inc English
Klartext fur den ZX81 * 1986 Funkschau German
Kleincomputer-Fibel 1988 Akademie German
Kleincomputer Leichtverstandlich 1988 Fachbuchverlag German
Kleiner Basic-Wortschatz 1982 Franzis-Verlag German
Kleiner Sprachfuhrer BASIC, LOGO, PASCAL 1986 Markt & Technik German
Kleine ZX-Hardwarebuch, Das 1982 Hartung-Gorre Verlag German
Knobeleien mit dem Mikro 1985 Vieweg German
Know Your Spectrum 1984 Tiny Pub.Co. English
K Power: Computer Craziness * 1984 Scholastic Inc English
K Power: Computer Monsters * 1984 Scholastic Inc English
K Power: Computer Olympics * 1984 Scholastic Inc English
K Power: Computer Space Adventures * 1984 Scholastic Inc English
Kreativ mit dem Computer Urania German
Kucni Kompjuteri: Algoritmi i Programi 1985 Tehnicka Knjiga i Zavod za Izdavanje Udzbenika Serbian
Kunstliche Intelligenz 1984 Hofacker Verlag German
Kunstliche Intelligenz 1989 Frech-Verlag German
Langage Machine ZX81 1982 Angers Informatique Service French
Langage Machine, Trucs et Astuces sur ZX81 Eyrolles French
Langage Machine, Trucs et Astuces sur ZX Spectrum Eyrolles French
L’Assembleur Facile du Z80 * 1983 Eyrolles French
Learn and Use Assembly Language on the ZX Spectrum * 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Learn BASIC Programming on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum * 1984 Logic 3 English
Learning BASIC Fast: Making BASIC Work for You 1979 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Learning BASIC with Your Sinclair ZX80 1981 Newnes Technical Books English
Learning Timex Sinclair BASIC 1983 Compusoft Publishing English
Learning to Use the ZX81 Computer Gower Publishing Co Ltd English
Learning to Use the ZX Spectrum Computer 1982 Gower Publishing Co Ltd English
Learning with Adventure Programs 1984 Melbourne House English
Learn with Your Sinclair Micro-Computer 1982 P.L. Donovan English
Learning with Your Computer 1983 Windward English
Learn PASCAL on Your BASIC Micro 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Lenguaje BASIC 1982 Limusa Spanish
Leren Omgaan met de ZX Spectrum * 1985 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Lernen mit dem Familien-Computer 1985 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Libro del Codigo Maquina del Spectrum, El * 1986 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Linguagem de Maquina para o TK: TK82, TK83 e TK85 * 1984 Editora Moderna Portuguese
LISP: The Language of Artificial Intelligence 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Logo auf dem Spectrum * 1986 Huthig German
LOGO * 1986 Microdigital Portuguese
LOGO: A Guide to Learning Through Programming 1984 Ellis Horwood Ltd English
LOGO for Beginners 1988 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
LOGO: Grafik, Sprache, Mathematik 1984 Markt & Technik German
LOGO in 100 Beispielen 1985 B.G. Teubner German
LOGO na Sinclair Spectrum volume 2: Dla Zaawansowanych 1987 Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazkow Zawodowych Polish
LOGO on the Sinclair Spectrum * 1985 Papermac English
LOGO Programming 1983 Addison-Wesley Productions English
LOGO Programming 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
M68000-Familie teil 1: Grundlagen und Architektur 1984 te-wi German
M68000-Familie teil 2: Anwendung und 68000-Bausteine 1984 te-wi German
Machine Code and Better Basic 1982 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Machine Code Applications for the ZX Spectrum: Expert Machine Code Techniques * 1983 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Machine Code Extensions for Spectrum BASIC 1985 Hewson Consultants Ltd English
Machine Code for Beginners * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Machine Code Programming on the Sinclair QL 1985 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Machine Code Sprites and Graphics for the ZX Spectrum * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Machine Language Programming Made Simple for Your Sinclair & Timex TS1000 1981 Melbourne House English
Machines Who Think 1979 W.H. Freeman English
Machinetaal Z-80 * 1987 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Maitrisez Votre ZX81 1983 Micro-Systemes French
Make and Program Your Own Robots * 1985 Beaver Books English
Make the Most of Your ZX Microdrive 1984 Granada Publishing English
Making the Most of the Sinclair QL: QL Superbasic and Its Applications 1985 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Making the Most of Your Spectrum Micro Drives * 1984 Micro Press [1] English
Making the most of Your Timex Sinclair 1500/1000 1981 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Making the Most of Your ZX80 1980 Computer Publications English
Making the Most of Your ZX81 1981 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Manual de Operacao do Microcomputador R-470 Ringo * 1983 Ritas do Brasil I.B.M. Ltda Portuguese
Manual de Referencia Rapida Z-80 * 1991 Livros Erica Editora Ltda Portuguese
Manuale del Sinclair QL, Il 1984 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
Maplin Buyer’s Guide to Electronic Components and Home Computers 1984 Maplin Electronic Supplies Ltd English
Marvel Super Heroes: Computer Fun Book One * 1984 Parachute Press English
Marvel Super Heroes: Computer Fun Book Two * 1984 Parachute Press English
Maschinencode-Handbuch fur den ZX Spectrum 1983 Profisoft [Ger] German
Maschinen- und Assemblersprache des M68000 1987 Vogel Buchverlag German
Master Your ZX Microdrive * 1983 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Mastering CP/M * 1983 Sybex Computer Books English
Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81 or ZX80 * 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
Mastering the ZX Spectrum 1983 Ellis Horwood Ltd English
Mastering Your Timex Sinclair 1000 Personal Computer Interface Publications Ltd English
Mathematical Projects for the ZX Spectrum 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
Mathematics on the Sinclair QL Sunshine Books Ltd English
Mathematiques sur ZX 81 1983 Poche Informatique French
Mathematische Knobeleien mit und ohne Kleincomputer 1989 Fachbuchverlag German
Mathematische + Wissenschaftliche Programme in Basic 1984 Hofacker Verlag German
Maths Tutor for the Spectrum * 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Maximize Your QL 1985 Papermac English
MC1000 Manual de Instrucoes e Basic * CCE Portuguese
MC1000 Manual de Referencia * CCE Portuguese
Me & My Micro 1984 National Extension College Trust Ltd English
M&E Educational Software Directory, The 1985 MacDonald/Evans English
Micro Adventure 1: Space Attack * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 2: Jungle Quest * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 3: Million Dollar Gamble * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 4: Time Trap * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 5: Mindbenders * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 6: Robot Race * 1984 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 7: Doom Stalker * 1985 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 8: The Big Freeze * 1985 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 9: Dead Ringer * 1985 Dragon English
Micro Adventure 10: Spellbound * 1985 Dragon English
Microbasic: Basic SINCLAIR * 1985 Hobby Press S.A. Spanish
Micro Cloak and Dagger Book 1983 Sigma Technical Press English
Microcosm 1985 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Micro Compta pour Sinclair et Timex 1983 Poche Informatique French
Microcomputador Curso Basico * 1984 Editora Rio Grafica Ltda Portuguese
Microcomputador Curso Pratico Vol.1 * 1985 Editora Rio Grafica Ltda Portuguese
Microcomputador Curso Pratico Vol.2 * 1985 Editora Rio Grafica Ltda Portuguese
Microcomputador Jogos * 1984 Editora Rio Grafica Ltda Portuguese
Microdrive and Interface 1 Manual * 1983 Sinclair Research Ltd English
Micro Enquirer: Spectrum, The 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Micro Games 1983 Penguin Books Ltd English
Micro Interfacing Circuits volume 1 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Micro Interfacing Circuits volume 2 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
MicroMania: Diccionario de Pokes * 1988 Micromania [2] Spanish
MicroMania: Diccionario de Pokes 2 * 1989 Micromania [2] Spanish
Micro Manual, The 1984 SHA Publications English
Micro Maths 1984 Papermac English
Micro Puzzles * 1983 Pan Books Ltd English
Microchips with Everything 1982 Comedia English
Microcomputer II Kohlhammer German
Microcomputer Game Design 1986 Sigma Technical Press English
Microcomputer Interfacing 1989 Prentice-Hall International English
Microcomputer Puzzles 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Microcomputer Software Directory 1983 Computing Publications English
Microcomputer User’s Book of Tape Recording, The 1982 Hilderbay Ltd English
Microcomputer Users Handbook, The 1984 Papermac English
Microelectronics A-Z 1985 Longman Software/Sybex Computer Books English
Micromania 1984 Gollancz English
Micronet Book * 1984 Melbourne House English
Microprocessador Z80 Hardware Vol.1 * 1983 Livros Erica Editora Ltda Portuguese
Microprocessador Z80 Software Vol.2 * 1984 Livros Erica Editora Ltda Portuguese
Microprocessor Hardware * 1983 Elektor Verlag German
Microprocessors for Hobbyists 1979 Newnes Technical Books English
Micro-PROLOG Reference Manual 1983 Sinclair Research Ltd English
Micro-PROLOG and Artificial Intelligence 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Micros Are Fun * 1984 Ladybird Books English
MIDI, Micros & Music 1986 Electro Music Research English
MIDI Projects * 1986 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Mikro-Computer 1984 Bastei Lubbe German
Mikro Computer 1988 Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften German
Mikrocomputerfiebel Vieweg German
Mikrocomputer Heute Franzis-Verlag German
Mikrocomputer Selbstgebaut und Programmiert 1983 Franzis-Verlag German
Mikrocomputertechnik mit den Prozessoren der 68000-Familie 1990 R. Oldenbourg Verlag German
Mikrocomputer-Technik Praxisnah 1985 Franzis-Verlag German
Mikrocomputer von A bis Z 1982 Franzis-Verlag German
Mikrocomputer ZX81 im Einsatz, Der * 1983 Vogel Buchverlag German
Mikrodrive-Handbuch fur den ZX Spectrum Profisoft [Ger] German
Mikroprozessor 68000 1989 Expert Verlag German
Mikroprozessoren 1983 Vieweg German
Mikroprozessortechnik 1982 Verlag Technik German
Mikrorechentechnik: Allgemeinverstandlich Hopfer German
Mikrowissen A-Z 1985 Vieweg German
Mind over Machine 1986 Free Press English
Mindstorms 1980 Harvester English
Miner Willy: From Rags to Riches 2007 Lulu Inc English
Mio Primo Libro di BASIC, Il * 1984 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. Italian
Mirko Tipka na Radirko * 1985 Moj Mikro Slovenian
Mise en Oeuvre du 68000 1984 French
Mit dem Computer Messen und Oszilloskopieren 1986 Franzis-Verlag German
Modelleisenbahn – Computergesteuert 1980 Telekosmos-Verlag German
Model-Technik-Berater MTB 13: Flugmodell & Computer Verlag Technik und Handwerk German
Moja Gospodinjska Pomocnica 1985 Zalozba Centralnega Zavoda za Napredek Gospodinjstva/Radio Student Slovenian
Moj Mikrokomputer ZX Spectrum * 1987 Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza Polish
Montages Peripheriques pour ZX 81 1983 Poche Informatique French
More Adventures for Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Virgin Books English
More BASIC Computer Games * 1979 Workman Publishing English
More Games for Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Virgin Books English
More Games for Your Sinclair QL Virgin Books English
More Games for Your ZX81 1983 Virgin Books English
More Real Applications for the ZX81 and ZX Spectrum 1982 Papermac English
Mr Chips Comes Home: Micros and Home Education 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Munchers: The Ultimate Timex/Sinclair Games Book 1984 McGraw-Hill [US] English
Murmeltierwelt und Pascal 1987 Vieweg German
Mystery and Adventure Computer Storybook, The * 1983 Tribeca Communications Inc English
Mystery of Silver Mountain, The * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
My ZX Spectrum and Me 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Naked Computer, The 1983 William Morrow & Co English
Namesakes * 1988 Sphere Books Ltd English
Network Revolution, The 1982 And-Or Press English
Neue Computerhassbuch, Das 1990 Tronic-Verlag German
Neue Knobeleien mit dem Mikro 1986 Vieweg German
Neue Spiele und Programme zu ZX81 und Spectrum 1984 Rudolf Muller German
New Adventure Systems for the Spectrum 1984 Fontana Publishing English
New Hacker’s Handbook, The 1989 Century Communications Ltd English
NE-Z8000 Manual de Instrucoes * 1982 Nova Eletronica Portuguese
Noch Mehr BASIC-Spass 1985 Schreiber German
Not Just Games! For the Spectrum 1984 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Not Only 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX81 1981 Melbourne House English
Ocho Quilates: Una Historia de la Edad de Oro del Software Espanol (1) 2012 Star-T Magazine Books Spanish
Odrzavanje i Opravka Spectrum-a i Commodore-a * 1989 Tehnicka Knjiga i Zavod za Izdavanje Udzbenika Serbian
Official Computer Hater’s Handbook, The 1983 Dell Publishing Company English
Official Scott Adams’ Adventure Hint Book, The * 1983 Adventure International English
Oh! Pascal! 1982 Norton English
OMNI Complete Catalog of Computer Hardware and Accessories * 1984 OMNI Publications International Ltd English
On-line Handbook, The 1985 Fontana Publishing English
Ordenador en la Educacion Basica: Problematica y Metodologia, El Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A. Spanish
Osborne CP/M User Guide * 1982 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Over the Spectrum * 1982 Melbourne House English
Pascal auf dem ZX Spectrum 1985 Sybex [DE] German
PASCAL Computerspiele fur Mikrocomputer band 1 1985 Frech-Verlag German
PASCAL for Micros 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
PASCAL fur die Anwendung in der Wirtschaft Die Wirtschaft German
PASCAL Handbuch: von BASIC zu PASCAL 1981 Hofacker Verlag German
PASCAL in 100 Beispielen 1983 B.G. Teubner German
PASCAL Programming: A Beginner’s Guide to Computers and Programming 1983 Cambridge University Press English
PASCAL-Ubungen 1985 R. Oldenbourg Verlag German
Passeport pour ZX81 1983 Poche Informatique French
PCW Games Collection for the Spectrum 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
PEEK, POKE, BYTE & RAM! 1982 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Peker Machine Code Course 1985 Peker Computers Ltd English
Penguin Computing Book, The 1983 Penguin Books Ltd English
Penguin Spectrum Compendium, The 1986 Penguin Books Ltd English
Peripherie du Systeme Spectrum 1985 Editions P.S.I. French
Personal Computer Guide, The 1982 Virgin Books English
Personal Computer Book, The 1980 Input Two Nine English
Personal Computer Book, The 1983 Prelude Press English
Personal Computer Handbook, The 1983 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Personal Computer Handbook, The 1984 Virgin Books English
Personal Computers Handbook 1980 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Petit Livre du ZX81, Le 1981 Editions P.S.I. French
Phoenix Computer Crib Card * 1984 Phoenix Publishing Associates English
Picture Logic * 1983 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Planiverse: Computer Contact with a Two-Dimensional World, The 1984 Picador English
Planter’s Guide, The 1986 Phoenix Publishing Associates English
Playing The Hobbit 1983 Templesoft English
Play LOGO 1984 Scholastic Ltd English
Pocitacove Hry * 1993 Ultrasoft [2] Czech
Pocitacove Hry I * 1993 Zenitcentrum HZ UV SSM Czech
Pocitacove Hry II * 1993 Zenitcentrum HZ UV SSM Czech
Pocket Guide: Assembly Language for the Z80 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Guide: FORTH 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Guide: Logo 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Guide: Sinclair Spectrum 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Guide to BASIC 1981 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Guide to Programming 1982 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Pocket Handbook for the Spectrum, A 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Pocket Mikrocomputer Lexikon Sybex [DE] German
Podstawy Programowania Mikrokomputera ZX Spectrum 1986 Soeto Polish
Powerful Projects with Your Timex/Sinclair * 1985 Scott Foresman and Company English
Practical Basic Programs * 1980 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Practical Guide to QL Graphics and Sound, A 1985 Longman Software English
Practical Introduction to Microprocessors, A 1984 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Practical Robotics and Interfacing for the Spectrum 1984 Granada Publishing English
Practical Spectrum Machine Code Programming * 1984 Virgin Books English
Practical Things to Do with a Microcomputer * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Practical Transistor Receivers Book 1 1959 Bernards Radio Manuals English
Practical Uses for the Microcomputer in the Home 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Practise Your BASIC * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Praktijkboek voor de ZX Spectrum * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Praktijk Programma’s voor de ZX Spectrum deel 1 1984 Stark Computerreeks Dutch
Praktijk Programma’s voor de ZX Spectrum deel 2 1985 Stark Computerreeks Dutch
Praktische Anwendungen mit dem Sinclair QL 1985 Hofacker Verlag German
Pratique des Sinclair ZX 81 et Timex Sinclair T/S 1000 1983 Editions Radio French
Pratique du ZX81, La Tome 1 1982 Editions P.S.I. French
Pratique du ZX81, La Tome 2 1982 Editions P.S.I. French
Pratique du ZX Spectrum 1983 Editions Radio French
Pratique du ZX Spectrum, La Tome 1 Editions P.S.I. French
Pratique du ZX Spectrum Sinclair et du Timex 2000, La Tome 2 1983 Editions P.S.I. French
Pre-BASIC Book, The 1985 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Pre-Computer Book, The 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Problems for Computer Solution – Student Edition * 1979 Creative Computing Press English
Problems for Computer Solution – Teacher Edition * 1979 Creative Computing Press English
Professional and Business Uses of the QL * 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Professionele Software voor de ZX-Spectrum 1985 Omikron Dutch
Profiting from the Sinclair QL 1985 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Programacao Avancada em BASIC Coleccao Sistemas Portuguese
Programacao de Computadores em BASIC Coleccao Sistemas Portuguese
Programacion BASIC para Microcomputadoras 1986 McGraw-Hill [ES] Spanish
Programacion del Interface I y Microdrive Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A. Spanish
Programacion en Codigo Maquina para el ZX81 y para el Spectrum 1984 Ediciones Tecnicas Rede S.A. Spanish
Programacion en BASIC: Un Metodo Practico 1984 Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A. Spanish
Programacion y Practica con el Sinclair QL 1985 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Program a Problem 1983 Fontana Publishing English
Programas Comentados de BASIC BASICOS Cuarta Edicion Spanish
Programas de Ciencia e Ingeneria para Microcomputadoras Sinclair ZX81 Compatibles con el ZX Spectrum 1984 McGraw-Hill [ES] Spanish
Programas en BASIC: Para la Resolucion de Problemas 1984 J.R. Vizmanos Spanish
Programmatuur 1 voor de ZX Spectrum 1984 Terminal Software Publicaties Dutch
Programmeren van de Z80, Het 1987 Educaboek Dutch
Programmer’s CP/M Handbook, The * 1983 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Programmers’ Trouble Shooting Guide, The – Spectrum 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Programmes d’Inteligence Artificielle en BASIC * Eyrolles French
Programmi per Sinclair Spectrum 1984 J. Soft Italian
Programmiamo con lo Spectrum Plus 1987 Edizioni JCE Italian
Programmieren 2: BASIC 1984 Bayrischer Schulbuch-Verlag German
Programmieren in Basic und Maschinencode mit dem ZX81 1982 Hofacker Verlag German
Programmieren in Maschinensprache mit Z80 German
Programmieren in Maschinensprache mit Z80 1980 Hofacker Verlag German
Programmieren in Maschinensprache mit Z80 band 2 1983 Hofacker Verlag German
Programmieren mit BASIC 1988 Verlag Technik German
Programmieren mit Hochauflosender Grafik * 1984 Mikro+Kleincomputer Informa Verlag AG German
Programmiersprache PASCAL: Schritt fur Schritt 1986 Humboldt-Taschenbuchverlag German
Programmierung von Mikroprozessoren I: Die 8-bit-Mikroprozessoren 8080, 8085, Z80, C800 1984 Girardet German
Programming Arcade Games for Your Spectrum 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Programming for Real Beginners 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Programming in BASIC: A Complete Course * 1982 Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd English
Programming in Micro-PROLOG Made Simple 1986 Ellis Horwood Ltd English
Programming in Z80 Assembly Language 1984 Macmillan Education Ltd English
Programming Languages for Micros 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
Programming the M68000 1983 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Programming the Z80 * 1979 Sybex Computer Books English
Programming with Graphics 1983 Granada Publishing English
Programming Your ZX Spectrum * 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
Programming Z80 CPU English
Programi Za Mavrico 1985 Cankarjeva Zalozba Slovenian
Programs for Your Timex/Sinclair 1000 1983 Prentice-Hall [US] English
Projects for Programs 1984 Ladybird Books English
Proper BASIC 1983 John Wiley & Sons Ltd English
Prozessor Buch zum 68000: Technik & Programmierung, Das 1985 Data Becker German
Prozessor Buch zum Z80: Technik & Programmierung, Das 1984 Data Becker German
Przewodnik po ZX Spectrum * 1986 Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci Polish
Purple Planet, The – Micro PROLOG for the Spectrum 48K 1985 Papermac English
Putting Your Spectrum to Work 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Putting Your Timex Sinclair 1000 to Work for You * 1984 Bob Johnson English
Q & A on Personal Computing Newnes Technical Books English
QL Abacus 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
QL Advanced User Guide * 1984 Adder English
QL Archive Century Communications Ltd English
QL Assembly Language Programming * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
QL Book of Games, The 1984 Micro Press [1] English
QL Book, The 1985 Corgi English
QL Compendium, A 1984 Addison-Wesley Productions English
QL Computing 1984 Granada Publishing English
QL Easel 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
QL Games Compendium 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
QL Gamesmaster 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
QL Handbook 1984 Interface Publications Ltd English
QL Quill 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
QL Superbasic 1984 Granada Publishing English
QL Superbasic: A Programmer’s Guide 1984 Micro Press [1] English
QL Superbasic: The Definitive Handbook * 1985 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
QL: Technical Guide 1985 Sinclair Research Ltd English
QL User: The Complete Dossier 1984 Sportscene English
Quantum Theory: A Guide to the Sinclair QL 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Questions and Answers on Word Processing 1983 Prelude Press English
Quick QL Machine Language * 1984 Melbourne House English
Quill, Easel, Archive & Abacus on the Sinclair QL 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Quill User’s Reference Manual, The 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Radio Hacker’s Code Book, The 1986 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Rainbow Book of BASIC Programs, The * 1984 Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd English
Real Thing? Microcomputer Simulations on the Sinclair QL, The 1985 Sigma Technical Press English
Really Easy Guide to Home Computing: The ZX Spectrum, The 1983 Century Communications Ltd English
Reasoned Programming 1994 Prentice-Hall International English
Record a Robbery 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Replicating Reality: Exploring Computer Simulations * 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Richtig Programmieren 1985 Heyne Computer Bucher German
Robot-besturing met Uw Homecomputer 1986 Elektuur Dutch
Robot Book, The 1985 Windward English
Robot Heritage, The 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
RS232 Solution, The English
RUN: Enciclopedia Practica del Spectrum 1985 Ediciones Nueva Lente S.A./Ediciones Ingelek S.A. Spanish
Rund um den Spectrum 1983 Hofacker Verlag German
Sam na sam z Jezykiem C * 1988 Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci Polish
Scelbi’s Secret Guide to Computers * 1980 Scelbi Publications English
Science Fiction Computer Storybook, The * 1983 Tribeca Communications Inc English
Schlussel zum Mikrocomputer 1984 Knaur German
Schnelles Rechnen mit dem ZX81 1984 Happy-Computer German
Schnittstellen-Handbuch 1986 IWT Verlag German
Schrift und Chips 1986 Rowohlt German
Scott Adams’ Book of Hints * 1982 Adventure International English
Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit, The 1984 Simon & Schuster English
Second Steps with Your Spectrum 1984 Fontana Publishing English
Secret of Arendarvon Castle, The 1985 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Self-Instruct BASIC: A Practical Guide 1983 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Silicon Idol, The 1984 Oxford University Press English
Simon & Schuster Question & Answer Book, Computers, The 1983 Wanderer Books English
Simple BASIC * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Simple Facts and Figures 1984 Granada Publishing English
Simple Interfacing Projects 1983 Granada Publishing English
Simple Micro Maths 1985 Granada Publishing English
Simple Pictures and Animation 1985 Granada Publishing English
Simple Words and Word Games 1984 Granada Publishing English
Sinclair and the ‘Sunrise’ Technology 1986 Penguin Books Ltd English
Sinclair Archeology: The Complete Photo Guide to Collectable Models 1996 Hove Books English
Sinclair BASIC * 1985 Luther-Verlag German
Sinclair BASIC in 10 Lessen 1984 Uitgeverij Ten Brink Dutch
Sinclair Book of Students’ Calculations, The 1979 Martin Books English
Sinclair Computer Diary 1985 Scot Books English
Sinclair CZ 1000 Manual de Uso y Programacion BASIC Czerweny Electronica S.A.I.C. Spanish
Sinclair CZ 1500 Manual de Uso y Programacion BASIC Czerweny Electronica S.A.I.C. Spanish
Sinclair Juegos de Accion 1985 Kapelusz Spanish
Sinclair Programme: ZX81 * CHIP German
Sinclair QDOS Companion, The: A Guide to the QL Operating System 1985 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Sinclair QL Adventures: A Micro-Adventurer’s Handbook * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Sinclair QL Anwenderhandbuch 1984 Huthig German
Sinclair QL Companion, The 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Sinclair QL fur die Praxis: Kommando- und Anwendungsprozeduren 1986 Birkhauser Verlag German
Sinclair QL Gebruikersboek, Het 1985 Sijthof Dutch
Sinclair QL in Business 1985 Newnes Technical Books English
Sinclair QL, The 1985 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Sinclair QL unter Kontrolle, Der 1985 ABC Elektronik German
Sinclair QL User Guide 1984 Sigma Technical Press English
Sinclair Reference Diary 1986 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Sinclair Spectrum and ZX81 Add-ons * 1984 Sigma Technical Press English
Sinclair Spectrum in Focus, The 1983 Sigma Technical Press English
Sinclair Spectrum ROM, Das * 1984 Hueber Software German
Sinclair’s QL Microcomputer Open University English
Sinclair Story, The * 1985 Duckworth Educational Computing English
‘Sinclair User’ Book of Games and Programs for the Spectrum, The 1984 Penguin Books Ltd English
Sinclair ZX81: Deutsche Bedienungsanleitung 1982 Vobis German
Sinclair ZX81: Programming for Real Applications, The 1981 The Macmillan Press Ltd English
Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly Part A: 0000H-0F54H 1981 Melbourne House English
Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly Part B: 0F55H-1DFFH 1982 Melbourne House English
Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Deutsche Bedienungsanleitung 1983 Vobis German
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Programme 1984 Vogel Buchverlag German
Sixty Programs for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum * 1983 Pan Books Ltd English
Small Computer Systems Handbook * 1978 Hayden Book Company Inc English
SOFTWARE: Curso Practico de Programacion 1984 Ediciones Nueva Lente S.A./Ediciones Ingelek S.A. Spanish
Software Directory 1983 Websters Software English
Software Projects for the Spectrum 1985 Melbourne House English
Some Common BASIC Programs * 1977 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Some Useful BASIC Subroutines 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
Soul of a New Machine, The 1981 Brown Little English
So We Bought a Computer 1987 Yorkshire Television Ltd English
SP7 Companion Book Volume 1 Kobrahsoft English
SP7 Companion Book Volume 2 Kobrahsoft English
Spass mit Algorithmen 1984 Vieweg German
Spass mit BASIC 1982 Idea German
Spass mit BASIC fur Anwender 1982 Idea German
Spass mit BASIC fur Profis 1984 Idea German
Speccy Nation: A Tribute to the Golden Age of British Gaming 2012 CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform English
Spectacular Games for Your ZX Spectrum * 1983 Addison-Wesley Productions English
Spectral ROM Decoded 1982 MoI English
Spectrek 1985 Micropress [2] Dutch
Spectrum 128 Companion, The 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Spectrum Add-on Guide, The * 1984 Granada Publishing English
Spectrum Advanced Graphics Workbook * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Spectrum+ Advanced Programming 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Spectrum Advanced User Guide 1984 Adder English
Spectrum Adventurer, The 1985 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Spectrum Adventures: A Guide to Playing and Writing Adventures * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Spectrum BASIC 1983 Edward Arnold Ltd English
Spectrum BASIC-Abenteuer Band 1: Der Fremde Planet * 1984 Sybex [DE] German
Spectrum BASIC ve Z80 Makine Kodu Program ve Uygulamalar * Yunus Yayincilik Turkish
Spectrum Book of Games, The * 1983 Granada Publishing English
Spectrum Bookware 1984 Boots English
Spectrum Data Log 1984 Collins Educational Ltd English
Spectrum Exposed 1984 Melbourne House English
Spectrum for Business + Pleasure volume 1, The 1983 Designed Publications English
Spectrum Games Bible 1982-1984, The 2008 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Bible 1985-1986, The 2008 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Bible 1987-1988, The 2008 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Bible 1989-1990, The 2008 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Bible 1991-1993, The 2009 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Bible 1994-200x, The 2009 Lulu Inc English
Spectrum Games Companion, The 1982 Linsac English
Spectrum Gamesmaster 1984 Granada Publishing English
Spectrum Game Writers’ Pack 1983 Collins Educational Ltd English
Spectrum Graphics * 1982 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Spectrum Graphics and Sound * 1984 Granada Publishing English
Spectrum Graphics Compendium 1984 Pitman Publishing Ltd English
Spectrum Graphics Machine, The * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Spectrum Greats 1985 Your Computer English
Spectrum Handbook, The * 1982 Century Communications Ltd/Personal Computer World English
Spectrum Hardware Manual * 1983 Melbourne House English
Spectrum in Education 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
SPECTRUM: Iniciacion al Codigo Maquina 1985 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Spectrum Interfacing and Projects * 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Spectrum Jeux d’Action * 1984 Sybex [FR] French
Spectrum+ Journey into Memory 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Spectrum+ LOGO 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Spectrum Machine Code * 1983 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
Spectrum Machine Code Made Easy Volume 1 * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Spectrum Machine Code Made Easy Volume 2 * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Spectrum Machine Code Reference Guide, The * 1983 Interface Publications Ltd English
Spectrum Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner * 1982 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Magic: Your First Programming Book 1984 Foulsham English
Spectrum+ Manual de Instrucciones * Spanish
Spectrum Microdrive Book * 1983 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Microdrive FORTH * 1985 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Operating System, The * 1984 Micro Press [1] English
Spectrumpedia * 2012 UniversItalia Italian
Spectrum Peripherals Guide, The 1984 Pan Books Ltd English
Spectrum Plus Ultra: La Enciclopedia del Spectrum Tomo 1 1985 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
Spectrum Pocket Book, The 1982 Phipps Associates English
Spectrum Programmer, The * 1983 Granada Publishing English
Spectrum Programmes volume 1 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Spectrum Programming for Young Programmers * 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Spectrum ROM Disassembled, The 1982 Softek English
Spectrum Shadow ROM Disassembly * 1985 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Software Projects 1985 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Spectacular * 1982 V&H Computer Services English
Spectrum & Spectrum+ Assembly Language Course 1985 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Spectrum Starter Pack 1 1983 Collins Educational Ltd English
Spectrum Starter Pack 2 1983 Collins Educational Ltd English
Spectrum Supergames 1984 Micro Press [1] English
Spectrum Tool – Programmi di Utilita, Grafica e Gioco 1984 Gruppo Editoriale Jackson Italian
Spectrum Wargaming 1985 Collins Educational Ltd English
Spectrum Workshop – Word Processing and Beyond, The 1984 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Spectrum Workshop Manual 1986 CPC English
Spectrum y los Microdrives, El 1983 Ventamatic Spanish
Spectrum+2: Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner 1986 Melbourne House English
Spectrum Z80 Machine Code Course * 1987 Kobrahsoft English
Spektrum Prirucnik * 1985 Mikro Knjiga Serbian
Spiele mit Computer-Grafik 1984 Hagemann German
Spiel, Idee und Strategie Programmiert in Pascal 1983 Vogel Buchverlag German
Spielkonsolen und Heim-Computer: 256 Gerate von 1972 – 2002 2004 Gameplan German
Spiel + Spass mit dem Computer: BASIC-Programme Lustig und Lehrreich 1987 Urania German
Spotlight on Computer Literacy * 1982 Random House English
Standard ECMA-55: Minimal BASIC * 1978 European Computer Manufacturers Association English
Start in die Computergrafik German
Starting FORTH 1981 Prentice-Hall [US] English
Starting LOGO 1985 Sigma Technical Press English
Start: Null Ahnung – Ziel: Basic 1985 MVG-Verlag German
Start to Program * 1984 St. Michael English
Step by Step BASIC – Spectrum Edition English
Step by Step Keyboarding on the Personal Computer 1985 Barrons English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum – Book One * 1984 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum+ – Book One 1985 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum – Book Two * 1984 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum+ – Book Two 1985 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum – Omnibus Edition 1984 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum and ZX Spectrum+ Graphics – Book Three * 1985 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Step-by-Step Programming ZX Spectrum and ZX Spectrum+ Graphics – Book Four * 1985 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
Sterne im Computer 1986 Rudolf Muller German
Stretching Your ZX81 or ZX80 to Its Limits 1981 Computer Publications English
Strojni Jezik Za Procesor Z80 1985 Mladinska Knjiga Slovenian
Struktogramme Top-Down-Technik 1986 Frech-Verlag German
Strukturiertes Programmieren in BASIC 1985 Vieweg German
Strukturiertes Programmieren mit BASIC 1983 Klett German
Sturen met de Microprocessor 1981 Dutch
Success in Software 1987 Superior Software Ltd [2] English
SuperBASIC fur den Sinclair QL 1985 R. Oldenbourg Verlag German
Super Basic TK * 1985 Editora Aleph/Editora Moderna Portuguese
Super Charge Your Spectrum * 1984 Melbourne House English
Superjuegos del ZX-Spectrum 16K/48K, Los 1984 Ventamatic Spanish
Super Programas Spectrum 1983 Ediciones Arcadia Spanish
Super Programas em Basic e Codigo Maquina * 1986 Edicoes Socedite Portuguese
Tabellen zum Mikrorechnersystem U880 – Z80 * 1986 Akademie German
Take Advantage of Your Spectrum’s ROM 1982 English
Taking the Quantum Leap: Using the Sinclair QL Computer 1990 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Teach Yourself 68000 Assembly Language Programming 1987 Interface Publications Ltd English
Teach Yourself Assembler Z80 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Technische Gleichungssysteme in BASIC Hofacker Verlag German
Textverarbeitung mit QUILL auf dem Sinclair QL * 1985 R. Oldenbourg Verlag German
Things to Do with Your Computer Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Thinking FORTH 1984 Prentice-Hall International English
Through the Micromaze 1983 Ashton-Tate English
Timelost (Timex/Sinclair version) 1983 Que Corp English
Times Book of Computer Puzzles & Games, The * 1984 Newtech Publishing Ltd English
Timex Computer 2048 Manual do Utilizador 1984 TMX Portugal Ltda Portuguese
Timex Computer 2068 Manual do Utilizador * 1983 TMX Portugal Ltda Portuguese
Timex Personal Computer Made Simple, The 1982 New American Library English
Timex/Sinclair 1000 BASIC Handbook, The 1983 Sybex Computer Books English
Timex/Sinclair 1000 Dictionary and Reference Guide 1983 Que Corp English
Timex/Sinclair 1000 User Manual * 1982 Timex Computer Corporation English
Timex/Sinclair 1000 User’s Guide volume 1 1982 Que Corp English
Timex/Sinclair 1000 User’s Guide volume 2 1983 Que Corp English
Timex/Sinclair 1500 User Manual * 1983 Timex Computer Corporation English
Timex-Sinclair 1983 Directory, The 1983 E Arthur Brown Company English
Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner/Intermediate Guide * 1983 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Timex Sinclair 2068 Intermediate/Advanced Guide * 1984 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Timex/Sinclair 2068 User Manual * 1983 Timex Computer Corporation English
Timex Sinclair BASIC Primer with Graphics 1984 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Timex/Sinclair Computer Games Programs 1983 ARCsoft Publishers English
Timex/Sinclair Computer Program Writing Workbook ARCsoft Publishers English
Timex/Sinclair User’s Encyclopedia, The 1984 Book Co. English
Timex Sinclair Idea Book, The 1981 Sherman Oaks English
Timex/Sinclair Interfacing 1983 Prentice-Hall [US] English
Tim Hartnell’s Second Giant Book of Computer Games * 1985 Ballantine Books English
TK82-C Programacao BASIC * 1981 Microdigital Portuguese
TK85 Programacao Basic * 1983 Microdigital Portuguese
TK90X Aplicacoes Pessoais – Compativeis com TK95 * 1986 Editora Campus Ltda Portuguese
TK90X Manual de Operacao * 1985 Microdigital Portuguese
TK95 Manual de Operacao * 1985 Microdigital Portuguese
TK-Calculando 1984 Nobel Portuguese
TK-Divertindo 1984 Nobel Portuguese
TK-Lembrando 1984 Nobel Portuguese
Todos los Programas para Tu Spectrum Hobby Press S.A. Spanish
Toepassingen en Spellen voor de ZX81 * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
TOOLKITS en Enkele Spelen voor de ZX Spectrum 1985 Terminal Software Publicaties Dutch
Topology Via Logic 1989 Cambridge University Press English
Tout Savoir sur Sinclair QL 1985 Eyrolles French
Trade Secret * 1984 ZX-Guaranteed English
Trainingsbuch zu FORTH, Das Data Becker German
Transistor Circuits Manual No. 4 * 1960 Bernards Radio Manuals English
Travesuras con el ZX81 1985 McGraw-Hill [ES] Spanish
Trigger Happy * 2000 Steven Poole English
Troubleshooting and Repairing Personal Computers * 1983 Tab Books Inc English
Trucos del Spectrum, Los * 1986 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond 1985 Addison-Wesley Productions English
TTL Data Book volume 1 1984 Texas Instruments Inc English
TTL Data Book volume 2 1984 Texas Instruments Inc English
Turbocharge Your ZX Spectrum * 1984 Longman Software English
Turing Criterion: Machine Intelligent Programs for the 16K ZX81, The 1982 Interface Publications Ltd English
Turing’s Man: Western Culture in a Computer Age 1984 Duckworth Educational Computing English
Turtle Fun LOGO with the ZX Spectrum 48K 1985 Macmillan Education Ltd English
Ucimo Se Programirati ZX Spectrum 1985 Mojmir Baumgartner/Tomaz Grm Slovenian
Um Sistema de Aquisicao de Dados Usando o TK 1986 INEP Portuguese
Understanding Artificial Intelligence 1985 Texas Instruments Inc English
Understanding C 1986 Sybex Computer Books English
Understanding Computer Graphics 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Understanding Computer Science 1984 Texas Instruments Inc English
Understanding Digital Troubleshooting 1983 Texas Instruments Inc English
Understanding Microprocessors 1979 Texas Instruments Inc English
Understanding Your Spectrum * 1982 Melbourne House English
Understanding Your ZX81 ROM 1981 Melbourne House English
Undocumented Z80 Documented, The * 1997 Sean Young English
Universeller EPROM-Programmer Selbstgebaut 1987 Franzis-Verlag German
Unsere Kleine Computerfibel 1987 Die Wirtschaft German
Usando Linguagem de Maquina * Editora Moderna Portuguese
Usborne Guide to Better BASIC * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Guide to Computer and Video Games * 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Guide to Computer Jargon – Illustrated * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Guide to Programming Tricks & Skills 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Guide to Understanding the Micro 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Introduction to the New Technology 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Young Scientist – Computers, The 1993 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Usborne Young Scientist – Television, The 1993 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Use and Learn 1982 MiCROL English
Using Computers for Business Success 1986 Manchester Business School English
Using Computers in Education 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Using CP/M * 1985 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd English
Using Graphics on the Sinclair QL 1985 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Using Your Home Computer 1984 Papermac English
Using Your Sinclair QL 1985 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd English
Very Basic Basic: The First 15 Hours on Your ZX Spectrum 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
Viel Mehr als 33 Programme fur den Sinclair Spectrum * 1983 Hofacker Verlag German
Voor Galg en Rad 1983 Uitgeverij Wolfkamp Dutch
VU-CALC and VU-FILE (The Organizer) 1984 Robert J. Brady Co. English
Warning! This Computer Bytes! 1986 Javelin English
Was der ZX Spectrum Alles Kann 1984 Vogel Buchverlag German
Was Drucker und Plotter Alles Konnen 1985 Vogel Buchverlag German
Watson’s Notes Unit 1: Spectrum+ First Steps in Basic 1985 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Watson’s Notes Unit 2: Spectrum+ Exploring BASIC 1985 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Watson’s Notes Unit 3: Spectrum+ Computer Games * 1985 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Watson’s Notes Unit 4: Spectrum+ Creative Graphics * 1986 Glentop Publishers Ltd English
Webster’s New World Dictionary of Computer Terms Webster’s English
Weird Computer Games * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Wenn der Computer Geschichten Macht: Heiteres zum Elektronik-Zeitalter 1986 Markt & Technik German
Wenn Kepler Einen Computer Gehabt Hatte * 1988 Fachbuchverlag German
What Can I Do with 16K? 1982 V&H Computer Services English
What Can I Do with 1K? 1982 V&H Computer Services English
What You Always Wanted to Know About Home Computers But Never Dared Ask Cox & Wyman Ltd English
Which? Home Computer, Video and Audio Guide, The 1983 Consumers’ Association English
Which Micro? Spectrum Handbook 1984 EMAP Business & Computer Publications Ltd English
Which? Software Guide, The 1985 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd English
Winning at the Races Using Your Computer 1985 Interface Publications Ltd English
Winning Games on the ZX Spectrum * 1984 Ellis Horwood Ltd English
Wissensspeicher BASIC 1986 Volk und Wissen German
Women and Computing: The Golden Opportunity 1984 Papermac English
Word Processing Book, The 1984 Quantum Press English
Word Processing with QL Quill 1985 Longman Software English
Word Processing with the Sinclair QL 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
Working Sinclair QL, The * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Working Spectrum, The * 1982 Sunshine Books Ltd English
Working Timex Sinclair 2068, The 1984 Creative Computing Press English
World’s Best Computer Jokes, The 1987 Angus & Robertson English
Worterbuch fur Hacker 1987 Franz Schneider Verlag German
Write Efficient ZX81 BASIC 1982 Ivor Killerbyte English
Write Spectrum Games Programs 1 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Write Spectrum Games Programs 2 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
Write Your Own Adventure Programs for Your Microcomputer * 1983 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Write Your Own Fantasy Games for Your Microcomputer * 1984 Usborne Publishing Ltd English
Write Your Own Program: Beginning BASIC – Space Journey * 1984 Franklin Watts Inc English
Write Your Own Program: Creating a Database – Adventure Game * 1985 Franklin Watts Inc English
Write Your Own Program: Graphics – Hangman * 1984 Franklin Watts Inc English
Write Your Own Program: Moving Graphics – Alien Invaders * 1985 Franklin Watts Inc English
Write Your Own Program: Sound – Synthesizer 1985 Franklin Watts Inc English
Writing Software for Profit 1984 Virgin Books English
Your First BASIC Program 1983 Sybex Computer Books English
Your First Computer 1980 Sybex Computer Books English
Your Sinclair Revenge Diary, The 1991 Your Sinclair English
Your Timex 1000 and ZX81 1983 Sybex Computer Books English
Z-80 and 8080 Assembly Language Programming * 1979 Hayden Book Company Inc English
Z80 Applications * 1983 Sybex Computer Books English
Z80 Aplicacoes * 1990 Livros Erica Editora Ltda Portuguese
Z-80-Applikationsbuch 1983 Franzis-Verlag German
Z80 Assembler para o ZX Spectrum * 1985 Tempos Livres Portuguese
Z80 Assembly Language Programming * 1979 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Z80 Assembly Language Programming 1985 Scholastic Library Publishing English
Z80 Assembly Language Programming for Students * 1981 Papermac English
Z80 Assembly Language Subroutines * 1983 Osborne/McGraw-Hill [US] English
Z80 CPU Microprocessor Instant Reference Card * 1981 Micro Logic Corp English
Z80 Machine Code & Interfacing 1990 Edward Arnold Ltd English
Z80 Machine Code for Humans 1983 Granada Publishing English
Z-80 Microcomputer Handbook, The * 1978 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Z80 Microcomputer System * 1981 SGS English
Z-80 Microprocessor 1979 Howard W. Sams & Co Inc English
Z80 Microprocessor, The * 1988 Macmillan Publishing Company English
Z80 Programming for Logic Design * 1978 Osborne English
Z-80 Reference Guide 1985 Melbourne House English
Z80 Users Manual * 1980 Reston Publishing Company Inc English
Z-80 Workshop Manual, A * 1983 Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd English
Z88 – A Dabhand Guide 1989 Trinity Concepts English
Z88 Computing 1988 Fulton English
Z88 Magic 1989 Kuma Computers Ltd English
Z8 Family Design Handbook 1989 Zilog English
Zakboekje Z80 * 1985 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Zakboekje voor de ZX81 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Zakboekje voor de ZX Spectrum * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
Zaubern mit dem ZX81 1984 Franzis-Verlag German
Zelfstandig Leren Programmeren met een Sinclair deel 2 1984 Wolters-Noordhoff Dutch
Zilog Data Book * 1979 Zilog Inc English
Zinderende Spelen voor Uw ZX81 1984 Omikron Dutch
ZX 80.81: Youngs Computer Register 1982 British Heritage Philatelics English
ZX80 Companion, The 1980 Linsac English
ZX80 Magic Book, The 1981 Timedata Ltd English
ZX80 Monitor Listing, The 1981 Linsac English
ZX80 Operating Manual * 1980 Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX80 Pocket Book, The 1981 Phipps Associates English
ZX-16K-STAT 1985 Hartung-Gorre Verlag German
ZX81 Add-on Book, The 1982 Shiva Publishing Ltd English
ZX 81 a la Conquete des Jeux! 1982 Eyrolles French
ZX81 BASIC Book 1982 Newnes Technical Books English
ZX81 BASIC Programming * 1981 Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX81 Companion, The 1981 Linsac English
ZX81: Curso de Programacion BASIC 1983 Paraninfo S.A. Spanish
ZX81: How to Use and Program, The 1983 Granada Publishing English
ZX81 in Science Teaching, The 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
ZX81 Kochbuch 1986 Funkschau German
ZX-81-Kochbuch 2 * 1986 Funkschau German
ZX81 Pocket Book, The * 1981 Phipps Associates English
ZX81: Praktische Tips, Programma’s, BASIC * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
ZX81 ROM, Das 1983 Verlag Cooperation German
ZX81/Spectrum-Anwendungen * 1985 Luther-Verlag German
ZX81/TS1000 Home Computer Book, The 1983 Osborne/McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
ZX81/TS1000 Programming for Young Programmers 1983 McGraw-Hill Book Company UK Ltd English
ZX81 User’s Handbook 1982 Newnes Technical Books English
ZX81 Zelfbouw Joystick Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
ZX81/ZX Spectrum: 15 Attraktive Nutz- und Spielprogramme 1984 Ravensburger Verlag German
ZX-Assembler 1989 Russian
ZX-ASZMIC * 1985 Hartung-Gorre Verlag German
ZX-Interface 1 y ZX-Microdrives: Que son, para Que Sirven y Como se Usan 1984 Ventamatic Spanish
ZX Programmer’s Companion, The 1984 Cambridge University Press English
ZX ROM I: Vypis * 1989 Nase Vojsko n. p. Czech
ZX ROM II: Poznamky * 1989 Nase Vojsko n. p. Czech
ZX Spectrum 128 Introduction * 1985 Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX Spectrum and How to Get the Most from It, The 1982 Granada Publishing English
ZX Spectrum Astronomy: Discover the Heavens on Your Computer * 1984 Sunshine Books Ltd English
ZX Spectrum BASIC Programming * 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX Spectrum Book – 1982 to 199x, The * 2006 Hiive LLC English
ZX Spectrum-Borse 1985 Birkhauser Verlag German
ZX Spectrum: El Manual Escolar 1985 Data Becker German
ZX Spectrum Explored, The 1982 Sinclair Browne Ltd English
ZX Spectrum for Users and Programmers 1992 Russian
ZX Spectrum Game Master * 1984 Longman Software English
ZX Spectrum+ Graphics Pack 1986 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
ZX Spectrum Hardware 1985 Markt & Technik German
ZX Spectrum Hardware-Erweiterungen 1984 Data Becker German
ZX Spectrum: How to Use and Program, The 1982 Granada Publishing English
ZX Spectrum Introduction * 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX Spectrum Micro Guide * 1984 Century Communications Ltd English
ZX Spectrum Nederlandstalig Handboek * 1984 Micropress [2] Dutch
ZX Spectrum on Your PC, The * 2004 CafePress English
ZX Spectrum on Your PC, The – Second Edition * 2012 Lulu Inc English
ZX Spectrum pour Tous: Initiation + Programmes 1984 Editions P.S.I. French
ZX Spectrum: Praktische Tips, Programma’s, BASIC * 1983 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
ZX Spectrum+: Praktische Tips, Programma’s, BASIC 1985 Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. Dutch
ZX Spectrum: Programiranje u BAZIC-u 1984 Tehnicka Knjiga i Zavod za Izdavanje Udzbenika Serbian
ZX Spectrum (+) Software Boek, Het 1986 Terminal Software Publicaties Dutch
ZX Spectrum+ Starter Pack 1985 Dorling Kindersley Ltd English
ZX Spectrum Temel Bilgiler * Tepum Ltd Turkish
ZX Spectrum Tips & Tricks 1985 Data Becker German
ZX Spectrum+ User Guide * 1984 Dorling Kindersley Ltd/Sinclair Research Ltd English
ZX Spectrum User’s Handbook * 1983 Newnes Technical Books English
ZX Spectrum – Uvod u Rad i Programiranje 1985 Narodna Tehnika SR Hrvatske Croatian
ZX Spectrum +2 Manual * 1986 Amstrad English
ZX Spectrum +2a Manual * 1986 Amstrad English
ZX Spectrum +3 Manual * 1987 Amstrad English
ZX Spectrum in Science Teaching, The * 1984 Hutchinson Computer Publishing English
ZX Spectrum: Votre Micro-Ordinateur 1984 Cedic Nathan French
ZX Spectrum Whizz Kid 1984 Longman Software English
ZX Spectrum: Your Personal Computer, The 1983 Prentice-Hall International English

(1452 titles listed, 426 available)