Adult Games

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This section lists all adult games – they are kept separate from everything else, allowing parents to easily block this content from their children with a URL filter. The rest of the archive is child friendly. The URL to block is <>

Name                                                Year Publisher                            Lan Memory Type

15's                                                1996 Greedy Guys Group                           128 Puzzle

Adult Weekend                                       1983 Venn Software                                48 Puzzle 
Advanced Sex Simulator                              1993 Paul Nikitin                                 48 Snd/Dem
Adventures of Zalupyaga                                  Midnight Shadow                              48 Arc    
Alweer Knudde                                            Knudde                               Dut    128 Snd/Dem
Anal Fight                                          2008 CPU [2]                                      48 Arc/Fig
Animated Strip Poker                                1985 Knightsoft                                   48 Gamble 
Anime Manga                                         2007 Speccy fun FOREVA !i!                        48 Sim    
Anime Story                                         2004 SAM Style                            Rus     48 Adv    
Auschwitz                                           1988 Pinio/SLA Corp Ltd                   Pol     48 Sim

Beat Em & Eat Em                                    1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Gamble 
Bedtime Poker                                       2000 Black Cat Software [2]               Rus     48 Gamble 
Biohell                                             2009 Spiral Software                              48 Adv

Candy Girl                                                                                            48 Snd/Dem
Card's Show                                         1988 Judesoft                                     48 Gamble 
Cathouse Blues                                      1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Puzzle 
Cathouse Blues + Philly Flasher                     1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Comp   
Charlotte                                           1988 Scandinavian Software Crackers               48 Snd/Dem
Cheap Thrills                                            Celerysoft                                   48 Gamble 
Chicks&Bricks;                                       2007 Rafal Miazga                                 48 Arc    
Clutches of the Balrog                                   Sonia Griffiths-Glover                       48 Adv    
Cock Attack                                         1985 Rikta Software                               48 Arc    
Cockshow Demo                                            Theo Devil                                  128 Snd/Dem
Covergirl Poker                                     1992 Sales Curve Ltd                              48 Gamble 
Cover Up!                                           1987 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Puzzle

Digi Porno Demo                                     1985 Knudde                               Dut     48 Snd/Dem
Don't Pull It Too Much George                            Sygma Press                                 128 Snd/Dem
Down Up                                             1987 Load 'n' Run [IT]                    Ita     48 Card   
Droga do Duplandu                                   2003 Hooy-Program                         Pol   USR0 Adv    
DT Superfuck                                        1986 Erotic Software                              48 Arc

Erotic Line                                         1995 SOFTEC                               Rom     48 Dem    
Erotris                                             2003 Virtual Masters                              48 Puzzle 
E.S.P.                                              1995 Convention/Extacy-3                         128 Snd/Dem

Faces                                               1996 Premier Corp.                                48 Arc    
Fairy Night                                         2004 Tasman                               Rus    128 Adv    
Fairy Night 2                                       2004 Tasman                               Rus   USR0 Adv    
Fantasy                                             1987 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Puzzle 
Fantasy Zone 2, The                                                                                  128 Puzzle 
FLP 18                                              1996 Gambler                                     128 Snd/Dem
Forfeits                                            1984 N. Pearn                                     48 GambleU
FUCK                                                     Hacker Junior/Conradorre Soft               128 Snd/Dem
Fucked Internet Trilogy, The                        2004 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                            48 Arc/Plf
Fuckerman                                           1985 00 Software                                  48 Adv    
Fucking Demo                                        1993 Han Solo                             Rus    128 Snd/Dem
Fy-Fy                                                    J.J. Computing                               48 Snd/Dem

Gay Shot                                            2010 A.A. Konstantinov                            48 Arc    
Ghostbusters                                             Theo Devil                                   48 Snd/Dem
Gigolo                                              1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Puzzle 
Gigolo + Beat 'em and Eat 'em                       1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Comp   

Happy Hippy Game, The                               1984 Class Games                                  48 Arc    
Holidays in Amsterdam                               2007 Rafal Miazga                                 16 Arc    
Holy Shit!!!                                        2007 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                            48 Arc/Plf
Horny Hary                                               X-Rated Software                             48 Snd/Dem
Hotel Love                                               Dimasoft                                     48 Snd/Dem
Hot Joystick                                             Digital Design                               48 Snd/Dem

In Deep                                             1990 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Arc/Adv
In Macuch's Words                                   1991 Masters of the Universe                     128 Snd/Dem
Insult Generator                           (speech) 1999 Greg Fox                                     48 Domest

Jet Set Willy: The DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!                2002 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                        48/128 Arc/Plf
Jmeno Ruze                                          1991 Proxima Software                     Cze    128 Arc/Adv
Jolly Jack's Run Ashore                             1984 Harbour Soft                                 48 Adv

Krolewna Jebaczka                                   1984 X-Prog                               Pol     48 Arc/Maz

Lady in Love                                        1998 Crystal Dream                                48 Arc    
Last Demo, The                                      1991 Terminator [1]/Tango                         48 Snd/Dem
Legotron                                            1995 Inforcom                             Rus     48 Puzzle 
Leo Wanker's Quest                                  1984 Peeny Pad Software PLC                       48 Adv    
Letcher                                             1983 Howard Software                              48 Card   
Lila Diva                                           1984 Hands On Software                    Ger     48 Puzzle 
Little Miss Candymouth                              1987 Digital Design                               48 Snd/Dem
Logicube                                            1988 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Puzzle 
Lollipop                                            1994 The Knuckle Girls                           128 Snd/Dem
Lollipop: The Second Spunker                        1995 The Knuckle Girls                           128 Snd/Dem
Love Me Baby                                        1985 Phil Hard Productions                Fre     48 Snd/Dem

Make Me a Pipe                                           MC Breakers                                  48 Snd/Dem
Mansion, The                                        2004 Tasman                                       48 Adv    
Maquina del Amor, La                                1985 Creativos Editoriales S.A.           Spa     48 Puzzle 
Maria                                                                                                 48 Snd/Dem
Maria's Christmas Box                               1988 Anco Software Ltd                            48 Gamble 
Marioso                                             1989 MilousSoft                           Cze     48 Arc/Plf
Marrow in the World of Wisdom                       1997 Reflection                                   48 Arc    
Masterwank                                          1988 Crapman                                      48 Arc    
Miles Mad Mission!                                  2009 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                           128 Arc/Plf
Minelayer                                           1996 Alex Art                             Rus    128 Puzzle 
Morbus Gravis                                            Propaganda Software                         128 Book   
Movie Sex                                           1986 Durex Rubber Company                         48 Snd/Dem

Naked Aggression                                    1990 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Gamble 
Nocturnal Illusion                                  2005 SAM Style                            Rus     48 Adv    
Not For Children                                    1996 Tiger's Claw                                128 Snd/Dem

Oei                                                      Eros                                         48 Snd/Dem
On Susan                                            1991 Poptsov D./Shalyakin A.              Rus     48 Puzzle 
Ophra Haza                                          1990 Anthraxx Developments                       128 Snd/Dem
Orange                                              1988 D.V.B.                                      128 Snd/Dem

Paradise Cafe                                       1985 Damatta                              Por     48 Arc    
Party Daze                                          1985 M. Cowley                                    48 Gamble 
Peepshow                                            1985 Awk Software                         Ger     48 Puzzle 
Peep Show                                           1984 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Puzzle 
Peepshow 2                                          1985 Awk Software                         Ger     48 Puzzle 
Peepshow Slideshow                                  1986 TCS [1]                                      48 Snd/Dem
Pet-Porno                                           1999 The M-1 Hacker                               48 Snd/Dem
Philly Flasher                                      1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Puzzle 
Piccolo II                                          1986 Durex Rubber Company                         48 Arc    
Poker Strip                                         1985 Load 'n' Run [IT]                    Ita     48 Gamble 
Pokestripper                                        1986 Individual Software                          48 Gamble 
Porno-Moovie II                                          The Custodian                                48 Card   
Pozycje Milosne                                     1987 ERL Computer Software                        48 Lrn    
Pretty Gambler                                      2011 Rafal Miazga                                 48 Gamble 
Pretty Girl                                         1994 3T Software                          Rus     48 Puzzle 
Pretty Girl 2                                       1994 3T Software                          Rus     48 Puzzle

Quest for Sex                                            Carley Bros                                  48 Adv

Raquel                                              1983 I. Brooks                                    16 Puzzle 
Rhaa Lovely I + II                                  1990 The Lords                                   128 Snd/Dem
Roaring Twenties, The                               1985 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Sim    
RTL Demo Volume 1                                   1990 Anthraxx Developments                       128 Snd/Dem
RTL Demo Volume 2                                   1990 Anthraxx Developments                       128 Snd/Dem
RTL Demo Volume 3                                   1990 Anthraxx Developments                       128 Snd/Dem
RTL Demo Volume 4                                   1990 Anthraxx Developments                       128 Snd/Dem
Rude Pictures Demo 1                                1990 Tinbin Garbage Production Ltd               128 Snd/Dem
Rude Pictures Demo 2                                1991 Tinbin Garbage Production Ltd               128 Snd/Dem
Rude Pictures Demo 3                                1991 Tinbin Garbage Production Ltd               128 Snd/Dem
Runaway City                                        2006 Triumph Game Labs                            48 Adv

Samantha Fox 2                                                                                       128 Snd/Dem
Samantha Fox Ecrans                                      JF Soft                              Ita     48 Snd/Dem
Samantha Fox Strip Poker                            1986 Martech Games Ltd                            48 Gamble 
Satanas Aneb Co v Bibli Neni                                                                  Cze     48 Book   
Satanas Aneb Co v Bibli Neni                        1991 Jara da Zimmermann                   Cze     48 Quiz   
Season of the Sakura                                2006 Triumph Game Labs                            48 Adv    
Sex                                                                                                 USR0 Snd/Dem
Sex Crime                                           1985 Omycron Software                     Por     48 Arc    
Sexdemo                                                  The Lids                                    128 Snd/Dem
Sexeso                                              1988 OKF                                  Cze     48 Puzzle 
Sex Game                                                 Softlake/Meastrosoft                         48 Puzzle 
Sex Invaders                                        1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                16 Arc/SEU
Sex Machine                                         1987 Shattered Dreams                             48 Adv    
Sex Minesweeper                                     1997 UFO Group                                   128 Puzzle 
Sex Pause                                                                                             48 Arc    
Sex Poker                                           1984 Andreas Niemann                      Ger     48 Gamble 
Sex Poker                                           1986 Janusz Gajewicz                      Pol     48 Gamble 
Sex Poker Dla Niecierpliwych                        1986 Janusz Gajewicz                      Pol     48 Gamble 
Sex Simulator 1                                     1988 Scandinavian Software Crackers               48 Snd/Dem
Sex Simulator 2                                     1988 Scandinavian Software Crackers               48 Snd/Dem
Sex Tetris                                                                                    Rus    128 Puzzle 
Sex Tetris                                          1993 Russian Soft                                128 Puzzle 
Sex Tetris 2                                             Seamans Beer Users Hackers Group     Rus 48/128 Puzzle 
Sextris                                             1995 Silicon Brains Software Ltd                 128 Puzzle 
Sextris Plus, The                                        B. Michael                           Rus    128 Puzzle 
Sex Vixens from Space                               1989 Asoft [2]                                    48 Arc    
Sex Xonix                                           1996 Tankard                              Rus    128 Arc    
Sexy Black Jack                            (speech) 1986 Load 'n' Run [IT]                            48 Gamble 
Sexy Secret, The                                         Lars Peter Jeppesen                  Dan     48 Arc    
Sex Zone                                            2001 SG Software [2]                      Rus     48 Arc    
Si da SIDA                                          1988 Tai Soft                             Spa     48 Adv    
Skint Willy                                         2002 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                           128 Arc/Plf
Slavemaker                                          2007 Triumph Game Labs                           128 Str/Mgt
Snip                                                1990 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Arc    
Soho Adventure + Sex Invaders                       1983 Silver Fox Communications Ltd                48 Comp   
Soho Mission                                        1990 Daren Pearcy                                128 Adv    
Soho Sex Quest                                      1984 Malan Associates                             48 Adv    
Soho Sex Quest 2: Herpes or Bust                    1984 Malan Associates                             48 Adv    
Spectrum Dia-Show, The                                   Digital Projects                             48 Snd/Dem
Still Stealin'                                      2002 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                           128 Arc/Plf
Strip!                                              1989 Busy Software                                48 Snd/Dem
Strip Black-Jack                                    1986 Load 'n' Run [IT]                            48 Gamble 
Strip Demo                                                                                            48 Snd/Dem
Strip-Dice                                          1986 Load 'n' Run [IT]                    Ita     48 Gamble 
Strip Game                                          1988 Diamond Software                             48 Gamble 
Strip Jack                                          1985 Carlos Correia                       Por     48 Gamble 
Strip Jack                                          1984 J. Weigner/M. Reimann                Ger     48 Gamble 
Strip Logik                                         1990 Double-Pig-Soft                              48 Puzzle 
Strip Poker                                         1984 PR Software [1]                              16 Gamble 
Strip Poker                                              US Gold Ltd                                  48 Gamble 
Strip Poker                                         1986 Vlama                                Cze     48 Gamble 
Strip Poker 3000                                    2010 Pokerface                                    48 Gamble 
Strip Poker Demo, The                               1992 The Mad Guys                                 48 Snd/Dem
Strip Poker II Plus                                 1988 Anco Software Ltd                            48 Gamble 
Strip Pontoon                                                                                         48 Gamble 
Strip Pontoon                                       1985 High Voltage                                 48 Gamble 
Strip Reversi                                       1996 Outland Corp                         Rus    128 Board  
Strip-tease Casino                                  1987 Load 'n' Run [IT]                    Ita     48 Card   
Striptise                                           1984 Andreas Niemann                      Ger     48 Gamble 
Super Bomberman 2                                   2001 Action [2]                                   48 Arc/Maz
Super Sex Sound 2                                   1989 Henrik Stovring                             128 Snd/Dem

Toolman                                             1984 SM Indipendant Software              Ita     48 Puzzle 
Toolman 2                                           1987 SM Indipendant Software              Ita     48 Puzzle 
Touch Me                                                 The Lords                                   128 Snd/Dem
Turbofjong                                          1988 Galactos Software                            48 Arc

Uncle Ben's Bordello Beauties                       1989 Spermasoft Masturbatories                    48 Snd/Dem

Vaseline                                            1994 The Knuckle Girls                          USR0 Snd/Dem

Wanker                                              1996 Fudgepacker                                USR0 Snd/Dem
Way of the Exploding Tits, The                      1988 Shattered Dreams                             48 Adv    
What the Butler Saw                                 1987 R'n'H Microtec                               48 Comp   
Willy the Rogue                                     2002 BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ                           128 Arc/Plf

Zodiac Strip                                        1985 Suzy Soft                            Hrv     48 Puzzle 
Zodiac Strip 2                                      1999 Sinclair Club                        Rus 48/128 Puzzle