Archive – Text Adventures – C

C - 155 items

C.I.A. Adventure (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Caballeros de la Mesa CuadradaIron ChipAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cacahuetes Sal Y Aceite (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Caccia al Tesoro nella Citta di BraioAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CambridgeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Camelot1983CCSAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Candy – An Attempt at Reliving Childhood (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Captain Kook1989The Silent CornerAdventure Game: Text-Only
Caputxeta’s New Tale1991Hispanis AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Carbon DatingAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Caribe1994Alien SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Carl Young’s AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cask – My First Stab at Interactive Fiction (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
CastawayAdventure Game: Text-Only
CastelbasicAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Castillo EncantadoAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castillo MalditoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CastleAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Castle Adventure1991G.I. GamesAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Blackstar1984SCR AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Colditz1983Felix SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle ColditzAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle DraculaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle DracularAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle EerieAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Castle MorcanAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle of DeathAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle of DeathAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Castle of DoomAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Of Doom (Giant Byte)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Castle of Lost SoulsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle of TerrorAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle of the Skull Lord1984Samurai SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Rathbone1985Adventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Thade1986Spectrum Adventure Exchange ClubAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Thade Revisited1987Spectrum Adventure Exchange ClubAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castle Warlock1991Adventure Probe SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Castlemaze AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
CatacombsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cattus Atrox – An Interactive Fiction Story (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Cavern ChaosAdventure Game: Text-Only
Caverns of JupiterAdventure Game: Text-Only
Caves of Mystery!Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cederick1985Data-Skip SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cell of the RidgesGraham BurtenshawAdventure Game: Text-Only
Celtic Carnage1993Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Chain of KoscheiAdventure Game: Text-Only
Chainick: Horror in Flat1999Optical BrothersAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
ChicagoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Chichen Itza1992Aventuras AD S.A.Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Chicken Under the Window – An Interactive Farce (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Chips Are ForeverFuturesoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Christmas at the MicrofairAdventure Game: Text-Only
Christminster – An Interactive Conspiracy (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Chrobák TruhlíkAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Church of DeathAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cielo e InfiernoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cimmerjan1993Sindicato del SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Circus1983Digital FantasiaAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
City oh CityAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Civil Service1994Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Civil Service II1994Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Clash of the Princes – The Warlock’s WayAdventure Game: Text-Only
Clash of the Princes – The Warrior’s WayAdventure Game: Text-Only
Classroom AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Classroom Chaos1986Central SolutionsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Claws of Despair1986Players SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Clerics Quest1989Global Games [1]Adventure Game: Text-Only
Clive Sullivan: LibertadorAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cloak of DeathAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cloud 991988Marlin GamesAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CLUE’S ‘O’Adventure Game: Text-Only
Clutches of the BalrogSonia Griffiths-GloverAdventure Game: Text-Only
Codigo Secreto Lucybel: Apocalypse2007Josep Coletas CaubetAdventure Game: Text-Only
Codigo Secreto Lucybel: Cryogenic2005Josep Coletas CaubetAdventure Game: Text-Only
Codigo Secreto Lucybel: Evilution2007Josep Coletas CaubetAdventure Game: Text-Only
Coke Is It! (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Colditz1984Phipps AssociatesAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Colditz Castle + The WizardAdventure Game: Text-Only
Colegio ErevestAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CollwobblesAdventure Game: Text-Only
Colon 14921992Imperial SoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Colossal Adventure1982Level 9 Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Colossal AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Colossal CaveAdventure Game: Text-Only
Colossal Cave Adventure1985Anubis SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Coming Home – A Simple Home Adventure (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Commando1984Pocket Money SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
CommandoAdventure Game: Text-Only
Commodore 64 AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Como la Vida Misma (O Parecido)1990Burga's AdventureAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Competition 96 – An Interactive Guide (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
ComputerAdventure Game: Text-Only
Computer KillerAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Con Rumbo (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Conan – Spotkanie w krypcie1987MiC SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Conan 1 – A magické diamantyAdventure Game: Text-Only
Conan il SanguinarioAdventure Game: Text-Only
Concurso Aventura 20082008MetalbrainAdventure Game: Text-Only
Confidential1985Radar GamesAdventure Game: Text-Only
ConfuddleAdventure Game: Text-Only
Congratulations! (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Conman the Barbaric1991Elven AdventurersAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
ContractAdventure Game: Text-Only
CorniliusAdventure Game: Text-Only
Corporal Stone1992Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Corridors of the NethermindAdventure Game: Text-Only
Corrupt1990G.LL. Software S.A.Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Corruption1988Rainbird Software LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
CorruptionAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Corya the Warrior-Sage1992The GuildAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cosmos1989FuturesoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cosmos the Adventure!Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CountdownForward SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Countdown1986Central SolutionsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CountdownInfected SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Countdown to DoomAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cozumel1990Aventuras AD S.A.Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Crack City1989Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cracker1989Študák SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crap Games Competition – The Adventure 3009Adventure Game: Text-Only
CrashAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crash Landing1986The GuildAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crash!Adventure Game: Text-Only
CrazeAdventure Game: Text-Only
CrazierAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crazy Adventure 1Adventure Game: Text-Only
Creepy-LandAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cricket-Crazy1988The Dreaming DjinnAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
CrimbleAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Crimen PerfectoAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crisis at ChristmasAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cristobal ColonAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crom1987CelerysoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cronicas ArcanasAdventure Game: Text-Only
CronoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cry Wolf!1983Custom Cables International LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crystal CavernAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Crystal Dream Members in East Ukrainian State University1996Crystal DreamAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crystal Quest1985Pocket Money SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crystal QuestAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Crystals of Doom1985Time AssassinAdventure Game: Text-Only
Crystals of Kings1993Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cuando Llega la Noche1991Hispanis AdventuresAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cuban Mission1990Bolsoftware Communications LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cuddles19848th Day SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cultos Sin Nombre1994VideofexAdventure Game: Text-Only
Curse of Calutha1991Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Curse of the CrownAdventure Game: Text-Only
Curse of the Serpent’s Eye1993Dream World AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Curse of the Seven Faces1985Artic Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Cursed be the City1986IncantationAdventure Game: Text-Only
Custerd’s Quest1986Alpha-Omega SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Cutthroats (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Cvokárna1990HardsoftAdventure Game: Text-Only