Archive – Text Adventures – R

R - 93 items

RabbitAdventure Game: Text-Only
Radiomania1991Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Raid on Lethos1984Dave NewtonAdventure Game: Text-Only
Raiders of the Lost Tomb1995The Adventure WorkshopAdventure Game: Text-Only
RainAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rainbow LandAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rainbow WarriorsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Raislin19913PSOFTAdventure Game: Text-Only
Ralph – An Interactive Sniffing (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Ramsbottom Smith and The Quest For The Yellow SpheroidAdventure Game: Text-Only
Randy Warner and the Aztec Idol1985Scorpio Gamesworld LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Ranetech1993Alien SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Raro (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Rattus-RexAdventure Game: Text-Only
Raymond Pringle’s Quest for the Fabled Jar of Pickled CabbageAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rays1987Tartan SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Re-Evolucion1992Software AtlanticoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Reality Hacker1987Visual DimensionsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Reality Hacker + A Holiday to RememberAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Realm of Darkness1986River SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rebel Planet1986U.S. Gold LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Recovery1989Jiří ChábekAdventure Game: Text-Only
Red Alert1991Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Red Moon1985Level 9 Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Redbeard’s TreasureAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Reino de FantasiaAdventure Game: Text-Only
RendezvousAdventure Game: Text-Only
Resaca1990Alberto VinuelaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rescate1991Ricardo Oyon RodriguezAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rescate 2019 (Primera Parte)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Rescue1983CRL Group PLCAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rescue from Doom1986David EdgarAdventure Game: Text-Only
Research Dig (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
ResistanceAdventure Game: Text-Only
Retarded Creatures and Caverns1989Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Retarded Creatures and Caverns IIAdventure Game: Text-Only
Retrophenia2006Jose Maria Gonzalez OndinaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return of the Living DeathAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return of the RoachAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return of the Warrior1984LarsoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to Castle DraculaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to CivilisationAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to DoomAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to Earth1982SaturnsoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to Eden1984Level 9 Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Return to Ithaca1985Atlantis Software LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Return to Karn (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Return to MarsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Revenge of Castle DreadAdventure Game: Text-Only
Revenge of Chaos1990The GuildAdventure Game: Text-Only
Revenge of the Space Pirates1994FSF AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Reverberations – A Hectic Voltairian Adventure (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
RevoltAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rhyme Cryme1995Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rigel’s Revenge1987Bulldog Software [1]Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Ring MasterAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Ring of PowerAdventure Game: Text-Only
Ring QuestUburrg SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rippled Flesh – An Interactive Goosing (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Rite of the DruidAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Ritorno dallo SpazioAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Ritual of Purification – An Interactive Cleansing (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
RivendellAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
RJ’s Ultimatum1996The Adventure WorkshopAdventure Game: Text-Only
Robin HoodAdventure Game: Text-Only
Robin of Sherlock1985Silversoft LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon1985Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Robo-CityAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Robyn Hode1986RunesoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rochn, la Era de las Espadas1989SKUAT SoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rock1993Alien SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Roco1990Francisco Bretones CastilloAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rogue Comet1986Walrus ComputingAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rogue ShipAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rogue ShipAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rolmer en ManhattanAdventure Game: Text-Only
Romeo and JulietAdventure Game: Text-Only
Ronnie Goes to Hollywood19878th Day SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
RoofmaniaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rouge Midget1991The GuildAdventure Game: Text-Only
Roy Norton: Fuga Nel TempoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Roy Norton: I Misteri di Villa ParsonAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Roy Norton: Terrore al CastelloAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Royal Adventures of a Common Frog1985Automata UK LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
RubyAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Ruby Runabout1984Scorpio SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Run, Bronwynn, Run!1992FSF AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Runaway CityAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Runestone1986Firebird Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Running FreeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Rusted Souls demoAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rychlé šípy – Záhada hlavolamuAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Rychlé šípy 2 – Stínadla se bouříAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated