Archive – Text Adventures – S

S - 233 items

S.A.S. Assault1983Mikro-Gen LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
S.M.A.S.H.E.D.1987Alternative Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
S.T.I.1988Bug-Byte Software LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
S&S Parapsychologists1994Arkham SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SabotajeAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Saboteur 3Adventure Game: Text-Only
SafariAdventure Game: Text-Only
SafariAdventure Game: Text-Only
Safe As HousesAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Saga of a Mad BarbarianAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sagan om RingenAdventure Game: Text-Only
Saint Reeta Connection1994Alien SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Salvage1985LiveWire SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
SalvageAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sam’s Un-Excellent AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sanity ManAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Santa! The AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
SatanAdventure Game: Text-Only
SatanNCF SoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Satan Strikes BackAdventure Game: Text-Only
Satan’s ServantsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Šatochin1988SybilasoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Savage Island 11987Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text-Only
Savage Island 21987Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text-Only
Save the PrincessAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Scapeghost1989Level 9 Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Scary Mansion1987Zodiac SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Schatzsuche Im IrrgartenAdventure Game: Text-Only
Schloss GreiffenklauAdventure Game: Text-Only
SchoolAdventure Game: Text-Only
School1984Lee TonksAdventure Game: Text-Only
School 21984Lee TonksAdventure Game: Text-Only
School AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
School CaperAdventure Game: Text-Only
School Report1985Soft 2000Adventure Game: Text-Only
School’s OutAdventure Game: Text-Only
Scoop1985Sentient Software LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Se-Kaa of Assiah1984MastervisionAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sea HuntAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sea of ZirunGilsoft InternationalAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sea Quest Part 1 – Sea WolfAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Seabase Delta1985Firebird Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Search for the Nether Regions1994Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Seas of Blood1985Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Seaside Sorcery1997Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Season of the SakuraAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Season of the SakuraAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Seastalker – A Junior Adventure (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Second LifeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Secret MissionAdventure Game: Text-Only
Secret Mission1985Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Secret Mission – 007 James BondAdventure Game: Text-Only
Secret Mission Radio1986BIBLEchipAdventure Game: Text-Only
Secuestradores2008Palamar SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Security Shelter1983Custom Cables International LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Serendipity1994Dream World AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Serra Pelada2012Einar SaukasAdventure Game: Text-Only
Set Up!1989Global Games [1]Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Settlement XIII1993Dream World AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Seven Spanish AngelsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sex Machine1987Shattered DreamsAdventure Game: Text-Only
SexiMatrixAdventure Game: Text-Only
Shadows of Mordor1987Melbourne HouseAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Shadows of the Past1990Compass SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Shard of Inovar1987Bulldog Software [1]Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sheerluck Holmes and Dr. WitsendAdventure Game: Text-Only
Shellshock1989Corrupt CodeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sheriff1990Antonio de Haro LeonAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sheriff GunnAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sherlock1984Melbourne HouseAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sherlock – The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Sherlock Holmes: A Matter of Evil1988Creative JuicesAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery1990Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sherlock Holmes: Traja Garridebovia1987Sybila SoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sherwood Forest1984Delta 4 SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
ShimmerkinAdventure Probe SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Shinnig in the Darkness1993Alien SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
ShipwreckAdventure Game: Text-Only
ShipwreckAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Shipwreck + Castle Eerie1987Tartan SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Shit GameAdventure Game: Text-Only
Shoddy in FunlandAdventure Game: Text-Only
Shore Leave1998TSF's Workshop PLCAdventure Game: Text-Only
Show CrazyAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Shrewsbury Key1986Players SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Si da SIDA1988Tai SoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Si Yo Fuera Rico1991Rafael Vico CostaAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Silence of the Lambs – An Interactive Horror (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Šílený sen Pavla Horáka 2Adventure Game: Text-Only
Silk DustAdventure Game: Text-Only
Silversword: La Espada de Plata3PSOFTAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Silverwolf1991G.I. GamesAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Silvestrovská peckaAdventure Game: Text-Only
SimonaAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sinbad and the Golden Ship1986MastervisionAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sinclair Blind Flight SimulatorAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sindbad1988Grupo Creators UnionAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sins Against Mimesis – An Interactive Theosophy (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Sir Sigfrid1989Luis Ignacio Garcia VenturaAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sire FireAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sire Fire 2Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SkabetAdventure Game: Text-Only
Skelvullyn Twine19868th Day SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
SkladačkaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Slack Bladder1987Moonchild SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Slacker X – A Scatological Breakthrough in Adventure Gaming (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Sleepin’ Again1996The Adventure WorkshopAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sleeping BeautyAdventure Game: Text-Only
SLR VentureAdventure Game: Text-Only
SMOKAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Smok Wawelski1987Krajowe Wydawnictwo CzasopismAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
ŠmoulovéAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Smuggler’s Cove1983Quicksilva LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Snow JokeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Snow Joke!1991Adventure Game: Text-Only
Snowball1983Level 9 Computing LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
SnowdropAdventure Game: Text-Only
So Far – An Interactive Catharsis (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
So Little Time1993Dream World AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Soap Land1987Zodiac SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SoftPorn Adventure – An Interactive Classic (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Software PirateAdventure Game: Text-Only
Soho MissionAdventure Game: Text-Only
Soho Sex Quest1984Malan AssociatesAdventure Game: Text-Only
Soho Sex Quest 2: Herpes or BustAdventure Game: Text-Only
Solaris1983SoftelAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Solvaldol-XAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Something Happened1989Peter Machala SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Something Happened 21992Peter Machala SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
SorcererAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sorcerer – Interlogic Fantasy (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Sorcerer’s ApprenticeAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sorcerer’s IslandAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sorcerer’s LairAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sorcerer’s Mountain1984Martin SykesAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sorderon’s Shadow1985Beyond SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SOS NaufrágioAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Souls of Darkon1985Taskset LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Space Detective1986CelerysoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Space Detective II: Home Run1989CelerysoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Space DoubtAdventure Game: Text-Only
Space HunterAdventure Game: Text-Only
Space Saving MissionAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Space Ship AdventureAdventure Game: Text-Only
Space Station (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Space Under the Window (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
SpacelordAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spaceman BobAlchemist ResearchAdventure Game: Text-Only
Spacestation Beta 1Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SPACEXAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SpamCo AdventureAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spellbreaker – An Interactive Fantasy (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
SpellcasterAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sphere of Q’li1996The Adventure WorkshopAdventure Game: Text-Only
Spider-Man1984Adventure InternationalAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spirit Of DeathAdventure Game: Text-Only
Spirit of the Demon1991Wolforce SoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SpiritWrak – An Interactive Fantasy Adventure (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
SPONGEPsychaedelic Hedgehog SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spoof1984RunesoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Spooky Tales by CandlelightAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spy Story1985AackosoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Spyplane1983Gilsoft InternationalAdventure Game: Text-Only
Spytrek Adventure1986Americana Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SRSO2Adventure Game: Text-Only
Stalker1990Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
StalkerAdventure Game: Text-Only
Star Crystal1986Edward BeckAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Star FlawsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Star Quest1984Church Army Resource CentreAdventure Game: Text-Only
Star ReporterAdventure Game: Text-Only
Star TrekAdventure Game: Text-Only
Star Trip1991Pegasus SoftwareAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Star WarsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Star Wreck1987Alternative Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Starbase 13Adventure Game: Text-Only
Starcrash1986Starcrash Software SystemsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Starcross – Interlogic Science Fiction (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Stargazer – Prologue – An Adventure in Outfitting (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Starship NovaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Starship Quest1989FSF AdventuresAdventure Game: Text-Only
Starwash1989Ricardo Villalba MartinezAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
StationAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Station 9-Zero Under AttackAdventure Game: Text-Only
Stationfall – A Science Fiction Story (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
StávkaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Steamed HamsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Stensontron1987SibylasoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Steve Silver Adventure 11983WB SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Steve Silver Adventure 21983WB SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
Stodman1992NagasoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Stolen DiamondAdventure Game: Text-Only
Stranded1992Zenobi SoftwareAdventure Game: Text-Only
StrandedAdventure Game: Text-Only
Stranded [2]Adventure Game: Text-Only
Strange OdysseyAdventure Game: Text-Only
Strange SubmarineAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Strange Tale1991Advanced Adventure CreationsAdventure Game: Text-Only
Strange WorldAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Strgol1987KybsoAdventure Game: Text-Only
StrongholdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Strumpfovi1985XenonAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Stupid FishAdventure Game: Text-Only
Subsunk1985Firebird Software LtdAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Subway AdventureAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Suenos de GloriaAdventure Game: Text-Only
Suicide Island1984DollarsoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sunrise over Bethselamine1986Armadillo SoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super Advanced Lawnmower Simulator Adventure 2: The SequelAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Discus1988SibylasoftAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super Enquiry SimulatorAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Gran – The Adventure1985TynesoftAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Lopez – El Senor de los ChupetesAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Quest IAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super Quest IIAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super Quest III – Legend of Identity CardAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Quest IV – Ivan Pik v akciAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Super Spy1982Richard Shepherd Software LtdAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super WumpusAdventure Game: Text-Only
Super-Story1985Computer KontaktAdventure Game: Text-Only
SupervivenciaAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SurvivalThe GuildAdventure Game: Text-Only
Survival1985Central SolutionsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SurvivorAdventure Game: Text-Only
Survivor1989Global Games [1]Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Suspect – An Interactive Mystery (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Suspended – Interlogic Science Fiction (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only
Svyatogor the Bogatyr and Karachun the Sorcerer1995Alexey ShirokovAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
SwordAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sword and the FateAdventure Game: Text-Only
Sword of KingsAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Sword of the SamuraiAdventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Symetry – A Matter of Self Trust (ZxZvm)Adventure Game: Text-Only