DEATHBALL਍ഀ =========਍ഀ ਍ഀ As android technology improved, it became common place for rival robotics corporations to pit their finest androids against the best their rivals could offer in tests of strength, intelligence und agility. These challenges developed into various sports - by far the most popular of these was DEATHBALL.਍ഀ As the public's obsession with Deathball grew, regular League and Cup competitions developed. Each team had its own ground in which the game was played; this arena consisted of a nine by nine grid of steel walls forming a maze unique to each arena.਍ഀ Teams consisted of eight androids and a human manager; various regulations controlled the specification of the androids. The team manager, however, did have਍ഀ considerable flexibility in allocating strength and agility within his team.਍ഀ The object of the game was to locate the ball and carry it to the arena's only goal. In order to do this the attacking team - ehe team with the ball - had the option of avoiding the opposition or destroying them. The movement of the androids was controlled by the team manager who was fed information on the progress of the game through his own team's visual sensors and short range ball detector.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ©1986 Alpha Omega Software਍ഀ All rights reserved. No part of this program should be recorded, duplicated or transferred in any form onto any media without prior authorisation from the owner of the work. Hiring and lending of the program is prohibited.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ DEATHBALL - YOUR ROLE AS MANAGER਍ഀ ਍ഀ On LOADing the program you can choose the type of game you wish to play, name your team and androids then allocate limited resources amongst those players. You may now go forward to the toss for who moves first.਍ഀ ਍ഀ CONTROLS਍ഀ --------਍ഀ 1) Visual Mode਍ഀ 0 MOVE਍ഀ ORIENTATION of ANDROID:਍ഀ 5 WEST਍ഀ 6 SOUTH਍ഀ 7 NORTH਍ഀ 8 EAST਍ഀ S Takes you to theSTATUSSCREEN਍ഀ 2) Status Mode਍ഀ S Moves to next android਍ഀ I Identify਍ഀ T Take Ball਍ഀ D Drop Ball਍ഀ Q End team moves਍ഀ H SAVE game so far਍ഀ O Returns to Visual Mode਍ഀ BREAK Returns you to Main Menu ਍ഀ ਍ഀ STRATEGY਍ഀ --------਍ഀ Strength points will determine the stamina of each android when fighting with an opposing robot.਍ഀ Agility points control the distance each android can move.਍ഀ You must base your strategy on the allocation of these points.਍ഀ Play your first few games at home - it's a lot easier!਍ഀ ਍ഀ #########################################################################਍ഀ # | | | # BALL # | | | #਍ഀ # | | | # 0 # | | | #਍ഀ # | | | # # | | | #਍ഀ #-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------#਍ഀ # # # # | | # # # #਍ഀ # # # # | | # # # #਍ഀ # # # # | | # # # #਍ഀ #-------#-------#-------########+-------+########-------#-------#-------#਍ഀ # # # | | | | # # #਍ഀ # # # | | | | # # #਍ഀ # # # | | | | # # #਍ഀ #-------#-------################+-------+################-------#-------#਍ഀ # # | | | | | | # #਍ഀ # # | | | | | | # #਍ഀ # # | | | | | | # #਍ഀ #-------########################+-------+########################-------#਍ഀ # | | | | | | | | #਍ഀ # | | | | | | | | #਍ഀ # | | | | | | | | #਍ഀ #-------+-------#########-------+-------+-------#########-------+-------#਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ #-------#-------#-------#-------#-------#-------#-------#-------#-------#਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ # # # # # # # # # #਍ഀ #-------#-------+-------+-------#-------#-------+-------+-------#-------#਍ഀ # # | | # # | | # #਍ഀ # # | | # # | | # #਍ഀ # # | | # # | | # #਍ഀ #-------#########################-------#########################-------#਍ഀ # HOME | | | | XXXXX | | | | AWAY #਍ഀ # TEAM | | | | XXXXX | | | | TEAM #਍ഀ # START | | | | GOAL | | | | START #਍ഀ #########################################################################਍ഀ ਍ഀ ----------------------------------------------਍ഀ Alpha Omega Software, CRL House,਍ഀ 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, London. E15 2HD਍ഀ