Please note this content is from the original WoS site, and may no longer be relevant. If you have any queries, please contact us.
The SDP projects’ aim is to obtain EDSKs of disks that aren’t already available
on The TZX Vault or main spectrum web server in Holland (WoS).
Any help in resolving these is highly appreciated!
We would like them in the Extended DSK format using SamDisk v3+.
Images *MUST* be made from an original disk to be considered authentic.
Instructions and Cover scans are appreciated if they can be supplied.
Uploads can be done using either HTTP or FTP. Please see this page for more info.
Please make sure to also check the Spectrum Tape Preservation and Missing In Action projects!
Name Year Publisher Lan Mem Type
Abbreviations 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Birds of Britain 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Copy Cats / Spell Cats 1987 Keysoft
Count and Add 1992 Scetlander (aka. Lander)
Countries and Capitals 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Decimals 1987 Keysoft
Fractions 1/2 1987 Keysoft
Fun School 3 for 5-7 Year Olds 1991 Database Educational Software
Fun School 4 for 7-11 Year Olds 1992 Europress Software
Hooray for Henrietta 1990 Scetlander (aka. Lander)
Letter Writer 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Mix and Match with Maggie 1991 Scetlander (aka. Lander)
Murder Most Foul 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Myself and Us 1987 Keysoft
Our Class 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Planet Mathematics 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Scottish Towns 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Shoe People - First Class 1992 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd
Spell Cats / Copy Cats Keysoft
Theory of Music to Grade 5 1987 Kirk, Ted
Who Helps? 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Word Likeness 1988 Teacher's Pet Software
Words and Pictures 1986 Chalksoft Ltd